to cover up massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket, indian internet, tech companies criminally defame domain investor

Indian tech and internet companies, government agencies are fully aware that the greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel, like haryana fraud mba raw employee ruchika kinge, panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, siddhi mandrekar and other fraud raw/cbi employees do not pay domain expenses and do not have any online income.
Yet since 2010, indicating how the government recruitment system has been hacked, all the high status, respectable, raw/cbi employees are robbing the data of a single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka to fake domain ownership, online income and getting great powers, monthly government salary in a case of government SLAVERY, financial fraud.
To cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD,SLAVERY racket, data theft, the LIAR tech, internet companies, government agencies are criminally defaming the domain .
investor, single woman engineer, north karnataka migrant, spreading fake rumors thatshe is lazy, idle, not having any income when the liar government agencies are fully aware that she alone is paying Rs 4-5 lakh annually as domain, internet, hardware and other expenses, while the indian internet sectors favorite online fraudster raw/cbi employees like haryana fraud mba ruchita kinge, greedy gujju fraud stock trader amita patel, indore cheater deepika, panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree and others do not do any computer work, do not pay expenses yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims using data robbed from the hardworking single woman engineer.

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