Due to criminal defamation for 13 years, domain investor’s job salary will be less than a caretaker
Indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are extremely ruthless in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING hardworking experienced small online business owners to steal their resume, get no work, no investment government jobs for the relatives, associates of top government employees like panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and avoid paying SEX, MONEY BRIBES to government employees from their million dollar profits
These fraud indian tech and internet companies are shameless LIARS, FRAUDS ruining the reputation of the extremely skilled hardworking experienced webmaster so that no company in india will be willing to employ the webmaster, engineer paying a fair salary
They expect the engineer to work at a very low salary after criminally defaming her , ROBBING her resume which the engineer does not want to do since this will indicate that she has accepted the resume ROBBERY
Also the domain investor has to help senior citizens at home, and if she has to do a job, she will have to hire a caretaker who will demand a salary which is higher than what intelligence agencies will allow businesses in india to pay her as salary
The standard daily payment for a caretaking work for 8 hours daily is Rs 800 and the ruthless fraud raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar have indicated that indian companies will pay the domain investor less than Rs 24000 monthly for a job
So hiring a caretaker for a job will be a loss, and there is a risk of fake cases, since the domain investor has many powerful enemies, and despite the government SLAVERY, work at home FINANCIAL FRAUD, it is better to remain at home and do whatever work available,.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Government agencies extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, HUMILIATING obc engineers with good JEE rank
Indian government agencies make fake claims about computer,internet skills of goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan to reward her with monthly salary, HUMILIATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME obc engineer , goa 1989 jee topper who actually has the computer,internet skills
While the mainstream media is covering the news of the death of dalit iit bombay student darshan solanki, it refuses to carry the news of how the professional career of some obc engineers who did not use reservation is killed by their btech classmates with the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay led by cruel CUNNING CHEATER government employees puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and others stealing the resume, savings, data, correspondence of their female classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATE to get their lazy greedy fraud real girlfriends lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen data, resume since 2010,
Just because the single woman engineer studied in the same college, CRUEL, CUNNING, CHEATER government employees like puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and others are CLOSELY MONITORING her , after making fake allegations without any proof and falsely claiming that all her savings, domains, bank account, online income belongs to their lazy greedy real girlfriends and associates like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree 2015 BBM, haryana GREEDY gurugram CHEATER optum human resources manager ruchita kinge , kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro,panaji goan bhandari CALL girl raw employee sunaina chodan who then get government jobs for FAKING their resume, savings, investment and online income.
One of the best examples of indian government atrocities on obc/bhandari engineers is indian government agencies make fake claims about computer,internet skills, investment of panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar,indore housewife deepika/veena to reward them with great powers,monthly government salary while these government agencies HUMILIATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME obc single engineer, the real domain investor who is making a loss despite working long hours in a case of government SLAVERY, financial fraud which is widely discussed on quora/reddit
When the indian government is hiring goan call girls for HONEYTRAPPING,and housewives only COOKING, CLEANING for their crooked husband, other frauds because they are well connected and high status, it is clearly CRIMINALLY DEFAMING some indian citizens when government agencies make fake claims about the computer, internet skills, investment and online income of the goan CALL GIRL, housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees
Legal help required to end correspondence theft of harmless private citizen by raw employees
Greedy goan sugar babies raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan continue to ROB correspondence of domain investor
One of the reasons why the domain investor is protesting is because she is denied her fundamental rights and her correspondence is diverted and ROBBED by top government employees and their Greedy goan sugar babies raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan who HATE her to isolate the single woman engineer and cause great financial losses
Before the domain investor relocated to goa, her correspondence was not robbed, everyone could contact her. Only after the domain investor relocated to goa for personal reasons, after investing in property, the goa government started diverting and robbing the correspondence of the domain investor without a legally valid reason . Now the domain investor has left goa for more than 14 months, yet the goa government or the other government agencies continue to divert and rob the correspondence
Legal help required to end the correspondence of a harmless private citizen without a legally valid reason, please contact on info@blogposts.in
Now shameless short young man with t-ward label asked to harass domain investor in shop
Shameless scammer short young man with t-ward label stands close to the domain investor in shop for harassment and slandering
Though they make millions of dollars in profit, india’s top tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are the most GREEDY SHAMELESS SCAMMERS in the world ruthlessly SLANDERING, CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING, small online business owners to get lazy greedy frauds no work, no investment government FAKING computer work, domain investment ,BANK account
Though the shameless sindhi scammer brothers banking fraudster axe bank manager nikhil premchandani, karan, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, aarohi, never did any computer work at all, being SHAMELESS SCAMMERS,the LIAR FRAUD google, tata employees ran the greatest government SLAVERY racket in goa for 10 years to get all these frauds no work no investment government jobs FALSELY claiming that these FRAUDS were doing computer work
Now these shameless scammer google, tata employes are trying to replicate their government SLAVERY racket in mumbai, so they are closely observing the domain investor and harassing her, spreading fake rumors about computer work
When the domain investor went to a shop, a shameless scammer short young man with t-ward label pinned on his shirt pocket came and stood very close to her and then purchased 6 blue perk chocolates from the rajasthani shopkeeper. The young short scammer may be asked by the fraud google,tata employees running the great goan job for SEX,government employees to intentionally stand near the domain investor, so that they can get photos for photoshopping which they will circulate to slander the domain investor, so that they cheat, exploit, rob her like they did in goa , continue the government SLAVERY racket
So this is posted as a fraud alert so that people,companies, countries do not believe the shameless scammer liar google, tata, internet company employees running the biggest government slavery racket in the world, no one below the age of 50 is associated with the business in any way at all
Legal help required for bank not updating business mailing address different from registered address
Domain investor’s registered business is 100% online, with customers only outside India, and she wishes to change the mailing address for her bank account to her current address which is different from business registered address. It is a small proprietorship business with no staff, and only want the GST only because it is an export business. Though the bank form is showing a provision for a separate mailing and registered address, the bank staff is insisting that the mailing address should be same as the registered address which is inconvenient, since the domain investor does not not visit the registered address due to personal reasons.
Yet getting all the documents will take time since the domain investor may have to purchase property only for GST registration. Do banks force current account holders, especially proprietors to use a mailing address which is the same as registered address or is the bank discriminating against the domain investor alone?
The domain investor does not wish to use her goa mailing address because there is a lot of property fraud, criminal trespassing, correspondence theft, yet the bank staff is refusing to use a different mailing address. Any legal help to get the mailing address updated will be appreciated, kindly contact at info@blogposts.in.
Legal help required to end massive government financial fraud on some domain investors since 2010
In all sectors, like shares,fixed deposits, property the government is acknowledging the citizen who is paying for the asset, the government does falsely claim that the asset of a private citizen making a loss belongs to its well paid employees getting a very good monthly salary with dearness allowance and pension, DUPING companies, countries and people worldwide since 2010 causing great financial losses to the real domain investor.
Only in the indian internet sector, allegedly bribed by the top tech and internet companies alleegdly led by google, tata since 2010, CUNNING CHEATER LIAR top indian government employees like j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha who do not pay any money at all for the domains, like other greedy girlfriends and associates are falsely claiming to own the domains paypal, payoneer, bank account of a private citizen who they HATE, SLANDER, have never helped in any way at all.
To cover up the massive financial fraud which can be legally proved the real domain investor is slandered in the worst manner, a victim of character assasination,and fake rumors are spread that her domains belong to greedy government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay who HATE her so that their real girlfriends like slim goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan owning an expensive bull dog, hotel manager siddhi mandrekar, indore robber housewife deepika/veena and others can get monthly government salaries for FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor
The job for sex racket in the indian internet sector is widely discussed on domain forums, specifically thai investor wot has mentioned that indian government employees are falsely claiming that young women who offer them sex bribes are being falsely promoted as domain investors to get them government jobs at the expense of the real domain investor
Looking for a lawyer /advocate who can help in filing a PIL/court case to force the government to end the financial fraud of its well paid LIAR employees who falsely claim that they, their favorite call girls, girlfriends and associates who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen who they HATE, slander and have never helped in any way at all.
Even if everyone spreads fake rumors about a domain investor, it does not change the domain ownership, when Twitter owner Elon Musk legally purchased X.com from paypal, the government, tech and internet sector, fails to answer why their favorite FRAUD CALL GIRL raw employee goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan and other raw/cbi employees do not legally purchase domain names, rely on fraud LIAR top government employees to make fake claims about domain ownership since 2010 dupe companies, countries and people worldwide.
Please email: info@blogposts.in or contact on skype : nkinf@hotmail.com
haryana, madhya pradesh government vicious in CHARACTER ASSASINATION of single women to steal their resume
LIAR shameless FRAUD tech, internet companies,their employees, haryana, mp government allegedly using fraud tamil plumber for character assasination,running government SLAVERY racket to get frauds from their state no work no investment government jobs with the stolen resume, savings of the hardworking professional who is slandered by the greedy liar fraud government officials from these states
Showing the viciousness and dishonesty of the LIAR shameless FRAUD Google, tata employees, haryana, madhya pradesh government they are allegedly using fraud tamil plumber for character assasination of a hardworking single woman domain investor so that they continue running government SLAVERY racket and get monthly government salary for various lazy greedy goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds faking domain ownership, computer work since 2010
If there is a plumbing, electrical problem, the domain investor has no choice but to call a plumber, electrician for repairs yet showing the extreme dishonesty of the fraud indian tech and internet companies, they are openly involved in slandering the single woman, making up fake stories about the fraud plumber, so that they can cheat, exploit, rob the single woman for the rest of her life
Indicating the harassment the domain investor faces, the tamil plumber is also being asked to stalk the domain investor whenever she is outside the house.
The extreme viciousness and dishonesty of the high status respectable LIAR tata employees, government employees in character assasination has made it difficult to get the home repaired since these fraud tata employees would never slander married women, they are only targetting hardworking single women professionals to run government SLAVERY racket.
Since 2010, LIAR CUNNING CHEATER top indian government employees extremely ruthless in criminally defaming hardworking single woman domain investor who they HATE
One of the best indications of the widespread rot in indian tech and internet sector, is that LIAR brahmin top government employee puneet like j srinivasan always DUPING people, companies and countries with FAKEstories about his SUGAR baby goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, a CALL GIRL who has never invested money in domains,does not even want to invest money in a computer, yet has got monthly government salary for the last 10 years FAKING domain ownership in a SEX TRADE deal with top government employees
Since 2010, 5 fraud states allegedly led by madhya pradesh, goa, gujarat, haryana, karnataka are openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on a single woman engineer, domain investor, falsely claiming that her domains, online business, savings belong to the GREEDY FRAUD top government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee clasmates from iit bombay, led by puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh, when these fraud government employees HATE her. have never interacted with her and helped her in any way to get all their girlfriends like goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, greedy gurugram mba hr ruchita kinge and others monthly government salaries at the expense of the domain investor
yet indicating the massive financial fraud in the indian internet sector, the government refuses to corect or update its domain ownership records since 2010, and continues to waste taxpayer money on various domain fraudsters while the real domain investor is slandered and is making great financial losses because of the financial fraud.
LIAR brahmin top government employee puneet is aware that his SUGAR baby goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan will never invest money in domains, does not do computer work, yet he is very aggressive in duping countries, companies and people to get her a monthly government salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, the real domain investor he HATES in a clear case of slander, criminal defamation, to deny her the income and opportunities she deserved.any help to end this slander will be greatly appreciated, please contact on info@blogposts.in
sarika oswal’s complaint on quora expose the gujju, sindhi double standards regarding reputation after criminally defaming investors from poorer communities
One of the greatest frauds in the indian internet sector, is how citizens, professionals, and investors from poorer communities are expected to keep quiet, tolerate the endless slander of SHAMELESS SCAMMER sindhis,shivalli brahmins, GREEDY gujjus,goans, indoris, khatris who hysterically make FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any kind of proof against a hardworking single woman engineer, then repeat their lies like PARROTS for ten years and then deny the investor the income and opportunities they deserved with FAKE STORIES of reputation
In contrast even if the endless frauds of the rich and powerful like the SHAMELESS SCAMMER sindhis,shivalli brahmins, GREEDY gujjus,goans, indoris, khatris are legally proved the government will never take any action against them, instead the person who exposes the endless frauds of these SHAMELESS SCAMMER RICH and powerful communities is harassed and these cunning CHEATER communities spread fake rumors about the mental health of anyone exposing their BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD, government slavery
since 2010, the greedy gujju officials in the internet sector, tushar parekh, nikhil sha, parmar, patel have been running a massive financial fraud, slander against a harmlesss single woman engineer, making fake allegations without any proof to cheat, exploit her, steal her resume, savings, fake domain ownership and get lazy greedy gujju, sindhi scammers government jobs faking domain ownership, online income
Being extremely CUNNING CHEATERS these shamelesss gujju, sindhi scammers do not have the honesty to provide details of their fraud friend who are making fake allegations since the SHAMELESS SCAMMER gujjus are aware that their fraud friends do not have any kind of interaction with the domain investor. Yet being the most SHAMELESS SCAMMERS in the world, the greedy gujju officials are repeating their fake cheating stories like PARROTS to continue with their online, financial fraud on the hardworking single woman engineer
Shockingly the government blindly believes in all the 100% FAKE STORIES of the GREEDY gujju scammer officials, to deny the single woman domain investor the income and opportunities she deserved. In contrast when citizens like Sarika Oswal complain against gujjus on quora, with complete details, no action is taken against the gujju cheaters, they continue to flourish.
In India people from powerless communities like the domain investor are falsely accused to cheat, exploit, rob them for the rest of their lives, while no action is taken against cheaters from rich and powerful communities like gujjus, sindhis, goans, shivalli brahmins, indoris, khatris, though the fraud victims can provide proof of cheating. For example Sarika Oswal complains about Asmita patel course osting Rs 7 lakh on quora, has negative reviews , yet no action is taken. The government is quick to act against citizens from poorer communities like domain investor since the officials like goan bhandari cheater chodankar are extremely vicious in slandering bhandari investors ( to get raw job for his call girl relative sunaina chodan and others faking domain ownership) while it ignores all complaints against the rich and powerful gujjus,sindhis, goans, shivalli brahmins like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad,
Sarika Oswal (on quora)
Sep 20
Asmita patel course is full waste of time and our hard earned money. I m Mpat student,before joining l search for reviews on her course but unfortunately couldn’t find any ,anywhere. But l request people don’t fall in her trap. She literally looted and cheated innocent public. 7lacs fees not worth. Market is not just 2day high or 2days low , it is far different from what is taught in course. I loose a lot in her strategy. All public in our batch are in loss.she provoked us for taking loan 7 lacs course+5 lacs in account. We lost all. Those who have completed small course might be praising her for few days. But after few days they will utter bad words 24×7 for her after doing her big course. Stay away from her fake success stories and course.
This posted to expose the government double standards, how harmless citizens from powerless communities are being falsely accused without any proof at all, to cheat, exploit, rob them for the rest of their lives, while no action is take against greedy gujjus, scammer sindhis, shivalli brahmins though a large number of people are complaining against them openly on quora
Legal help required to end government SLAVERY in the indian internet sector since 2010
Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge submitted articles for only a few month has been FAKING domain ownership, bank account since 2010
one of the reasons why exports are declining is because raw is openly involved in financial, online fraud on the real exporters from india and making fake claims about fraud raw employees like Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, who submitted articles for only a few months more than 10 years ago, yet has been FAKING domain ownership, bank account since 2010 to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, exporter
Since then both nayanshree and ruchita have refused to reply to the domain investor, yet showing how the rich and powerful are manipulating the government system to get no work, no investment government jobs, the government blindly believes their fake claims and wastes tax payer money, paying them monthly government salaries, in a clear case of government SLAVERY.
Though Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge is getting a very good annual salary of Rs 10-15 lakh from optum/conduent/deloitte and rental income from her properties in Gurgaon, Lucknow she is extremely aggressive and shameless in her financial, online fraud on the single woman engineer, domain investor, with the help of her fraud powerful boyfriends puneet, sumit, verma, arya , causing great financial losses to the domain investor
If Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge was really interested in domains, she would have purchased the domains legally instead of investing in at least three properties in Gurgaon, Lucknow. Instead she allegedly relies on her fraud boyfriends especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, to cheat, exploit, the single woman, with the powerful fraud LIAR government employees falsely claiming that they own the domains of a private citizen, single woman who they HATE. Despite the domain investor’s best efforts, the government refuses to correct its records and stop falsely linking Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge , nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees who hate her to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
Anyone who can end the government SLAVERY of falsely associating Greedy gurugram haryana FRAUD raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge with the domain investor please contact info@blogposts.in. Though the well paid powerful greedy government employees continue to dismiss all the content exposing government SLAVERY as spam they should be aware that the news is closely monitored by intelligence agencies, especially in USA, Holland, and it may affect investment decisions, since the government SLAVE is telling the truth