One of the features of the government SLAVERY, financial fraud racket since 2010, is how ruthlessly the rich and powerful are slandering, cheating and exploiting professionals, investors from poorer communities, making completely fake allegations without any kind of legally valid proof.
If the investor being slandered is questioning the POWERFUL LIAR officials making fake allegations against her, they are falsely labelling her a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof or questioning her mental health
The government is also openly supporting the rich and powerful blindly believing in all the fake allegations of the liar rich and powerful like raw employees tushar parekh, sam who are ruthless in destroying the life of investors from poorer communities like the domain investor so that the sindhi banking fraudster raw employee pune bank manager nikhil premchandani can get a no work, no investment government job with monthly salary for faking ownership of this and other domains in the network at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman bhandari engineer who is also ruthlessly slandered by the CORRUPT LIAR bhandari/obc/dalit officials/leaders like greedy goan bhandari cheater chodankar getting massive BRIBES from the shameless scammer sindhis, greedy gujjus like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured in economic times, moneycontrol and hindu business line.
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Though bull dog owning raw employee sunaina chodan is focusing on her legal career, liar top government officials continue to make fake claims
iwriter special request exposes online, financial fraud of bull dog owning greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, her brahmin sugar daddies puneet, j srinivasan
Though top government employees get a very good salary, pension, they are extremely cruel cunning cheaters greedy liars ruthless in cheating, exploiting, ROBBING hardworking single women engineers, investors who they HATE
Usually sugar daddies worldwide will use their own income to reward their sugar babies, yet extremely cruel cunning fraud top indian government employees are ruthlessly targetting hardworking older single women to ROB everything and then reward their lazy greedy fraud sugar babies so that greedy sugar babies offer sex and other services to top greedy government employees FREE of cost since the sugar babies are getting the stolen resume, savings, government job which the single women deserved
Though greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan had never written any iwriter article to avoid paying sunaina for her sex services, top indian tech and internet companies, powerful brahmin sugar daddies puneet, j srinivasan marketed scammer sunaina who does not have a computer as being a hardworking writer to get scammer sunaina a monthly raw salary at the expense of his engineering classmate who these greedy government employees HATE
It is an indication of how aggressively bull dog owning greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan who has never written any article on iwriter has been marketed that the domain investor, who is the real writer is getting multiple special requests for writing dog related articles though the domain investor does not like dogs . The domain investor had registered domains in different niches based on the demand for advertising only, not because she was very interested in the niche, just like people invest in stocks based on the returns they expect
The latest set of dog related articles, special request is listed below
Rich Dog Breeds
,,Chewy Dog Coats
Best Lamb Dog Food
Chicken Dog Food
Online research, clearly indicates that bull dog owning greedy goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan is focussing on her legal career, yet her brahmin sugar daddies in government agencies continue to make stories about article writing to destroy the life of the real writer who they hate
For threatening to kill, attack a harmless single woman engineer, greedy goan scammer sisters rewarded with government jobs faking bank account
before commenting on the website content the goan and indian government fails to answer why greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan like greedy gujju fraud stock trader amita patel cannot open their own paypal, bank account legally why the government is CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor FALSELY ASSOCIATING these shameless lazy greedy scammer sisters with the domain investor, these greedy shameless scammer sisters HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, have openly threatened to kill
The single woman engineer was never on talking terms with the greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters who have openly threatened violence, to kill her, yet when she was in goa, their powerful fraud relatives working in security agencies, cheater chodankar, naik, abused their powers and ensured that these scammer sisters got government jobs for faking paypal, bank account, domain ownership.
Now the domain investor is not in goa, and is also not using the bank account in goa, there is no goa connection at all, so the goan and indian government fails to answer why greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan cannot open their own paypal, bank account legally, why they are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer they hate, have not contacted at all, to deny the single woman the income and opportunities she deserved.
Falsely giving the greedy goan bhandari scammer sisters government employees priya, pooja, tejas sunaina chodan, credit, government salary for FAKING paypal, bank account is a clear case of government SLAVERY, denying the single woman engineer the right to equality
Diabetes Got Me Serious About My Health
When my doctor told me that I had diabetes, it felt like my entire world had crashed. I have heard such horror stories about diabetes but thought I was immune since no one else in my family had the same diagnosis. My doctor told me that if I took care of myself, I could lead a normal life without any medications. He did suggest looking into personal training in Surrey because he already knew that I was not going to be able to handle any type of training on my own. He had been my doctor for nearly two decades, and he knew how much of a couch potato I truly was.
He recommended one personal trainer in particular, and I made a call to him the same day. I explained why I was calling, and he was able to get me a consultation appointment that same week. I had told him on the phone that I would do my best, but I was not a very active person overall, even though I had no physical limitations to make me that way. I had just never been interested in working out prior to my diabetes diagnosis.
The personal trainer was very nice and extremely knowledgeable, and it did not seem like I was going to be a challenge at all to him. I liked his style, and he seemed to be entertained by me as well! What I especially liked about him is that he tailor made a program for me, and it was very easy to follow. That first week, I lost nearly five pounds. It has slowed down, but I am 40 pounds lighter right now, and my doctor could not be more pleased. He told me that if I keep up with the personal training, I wont even have to call myself a diabetic because my numbers will prove that I beat the disease!
legal assistance required to take action against well connected lawyer repeatedly involved in criminal trespassing
A well connected lawyer in panaji, goa is allegedly criminally trespassing on the house of a neighbour when the home owner is not present
The home owner found that postal correspondence is missing,
The lawyer has openly boasted that the local police will not take any action against her because they are her relatives
Any lawyer who can help end the criminal trespassing, please contact
Greedy goan bhandari official slandering bhandari professionals, so that his relatives can fake bank account
Greedy goan bhandari official CHEATER chodankar, naik SLANDERING hardworking bhandari professionals so that his relative goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, a CALL GIRL can fake online money making
Indian government should be honest that goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, is only a CALL GIRL, she is not making money online
One of the main reasons why the domain investor, engineer cannot work with companies in india is because the GREEDY DISHONEST LIAR bhandari/obc/dalit leaders, officials led by goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik, do not help or defend honest hardworking skilled bhandari professionals and investors, even when they are falsely accused
In all other communities like brahmins, sindhis, gujjus, banias,khatris, the leaders and officials are defending honest hardworking skilled professionals and investors from the community, so that they are not falsely accused. Only in the bhandari community greedy goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik do not help innocent honest hardworking skilled professionals and investors who are falsely accused, instead taking BRIBES from the rich and powerful to slander the innocent hardworking bhandari professionals to ruin their reputation further
With no one to help or defend bhandari professionals, investors like the domain investor, when they are falsely accused by the greedy shameless fraud rich and powerful especially greedy goans, gujjus, scammer sindhis, shivalli brahmins, banias, they are forced to work for clients outside india . Instead of acknowledging that the professionals are spending their time and money to make money online CHEATER chodankar, naik are hysterically make fake allegations, and then falsely claiming that relative goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan, a CALL GIRL is working online, making money, when actually raw employee sunaina chodan has no online income at all, she is hired for honeytrapping, with powerful brahmin fraud top government employee j srinivasan her top client
Greedy CYBERCRIMINAL indian states refuse to get a court order, continue ROBBING the MEMORY of a harmless single woman engineer to get frauds government jobs
Greedy CYBERCRIMINAL indian states especially karnataka should get a court order before ROBBING the MEMORY of a harmless single woman engineer to get brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, a monthly government salary faking bank account.
In one of the worst case of human rights abuses, government CYBERCRIME in the world, Greedy CYBERCRIMINAL indian states refuse to get a court order before ROBBING the MEMORY of a harmless single woman engineer, so that they can make fake claims about goan call girls, cheater , robber housewives and other frauds, to get them monthly government salaries FAKING domain ownership, online income, bank account, savings
Initially the cunning cruel government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay led by puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh, FAKED help, and falsely claimed that the single woman who they HATED, had agreed to MEMORY ROBBERY when she would never agree to MEMORY ROBBERY, which results in loss of privacy, theft of trade secrets.
After 12 years of government CYBERCRIME, MEMORY ROBBERY it is is clear that the greedy government employees all HATE the single woman engineer, and are making FAKE allegations without any proof. Though the MEMORY ROBBERY, government SLAVERY is very lucrative for the greedy government employees, it is causing great financial losses for the domain investor who finds that at least at least greedy SHAMELESS cybercriminal RAW/cbi employees are falsely claiming to own her bank account, domains including this one, savings to get a monthly government salary at her expense
The domain investor is only asking the GREEDY Greedy CYBERCRIMINAL indian states to get a court order before ROBBING the MEMORY of a harmless single woman engineer, she would like to ask these GREEDY SHAMELESS ROBBER STATES and their CYBERCRIMINAL liar employees why she alone is being targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY, why the CYBERCRIMINAL states are not ROBBING the MEMORY of other domain investors in india, why the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer alone is being targetted since 2010
Legal help required to recover stolen coins which lawyer is showing off on her instagram account
A well connected lawyer in panaji, goa is showing off some stolen coins on her instagram account.
A single woman engineer found that some coins from her house are missing, and they are very similar to the stolen coins shown in the instagram account
The lawyer has openly boasted that the local police will not take any action against her because they are her relatives
Any lawyer who can help recover the stolen coins, please contact
To cover up his own domain ownership FINANCIAL FRAUD cruel cunning brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet extremely vicious in criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper
Though the indian and state governments blindly believe all the lies of the cruel cunning brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet,it can be legally proved that he is one of the greatest FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUDSTERS in india, running a major domain ownership FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010, to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB the goa 1989 jee topper, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATED and never helped at all.
Investors are treated with respect for the money which they invest, the risk they take, yet being an extremely cruel, cunning fraud, brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet used his excellent acting skills, to falsely claim that he owned all the domains of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATED, never helped at all, while criminally defaming her as a idle person with no assets or savings of her own
After duping everyone with his fake domain ownership, savings fraud, the mhow monster puneet then started falsely claiming that his lazy greedy girlfriends who did not invest money in domains, had no professional experience, owned the domains, bank account, savings of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer to get all his real girlfriends raw/cbi jobs at the expense of his real classmate who he HATED
To cover up his own domain ownership FINANCIAL FRAUD cruel cunning brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet extremely vicious in criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper . Being a great fraudster everyone blindly believed his lies.
Hyderabad domain investor swetha yenugala’s 16000 domains exposes criminal defamation, ruthless persecution of domain investors in goa
Though the indian tech, internet companies are falsely claiming that domain investment is very lucrative, in reality it is very risky, since a huge amount of money is spent on renewals for more than 400 domains.
Additionally google, tata, indian internet and tech companies are bribing the extremely corrupt greedy security agency employees, especially in panaji, goa, to falsely label the domain investor a security threat, deny the harmless private citizen, his or her fundamental rights and subject the domain investor to the most horrific human rights abuses.
The domain investor , a single woman engineer owns only approximately 500 domains, yet instead of purchasing the domains paying the market price, the corrupt security agency employees mandrekar, nayak, caro, pritesh chodankar, naik, are criminally defaming her, falsely labelling her a security threat, to deny her fundamental rights, commit banking fraud on her forcing her to protest loudly since 2013 and get their relatives, bribe givers government jobs faking domain ownership .
In contrast though Hyderabad domain investor swetha yenugala has far more domains, 16000 domains she leads a normal life, she is not labelled a security threat and is not denied her fundamental rights, her correspondence is not robbed, though hyderabad is a far larger city than panaji,goa
The domain investor would like to ask the goa government, security agencies when hyderabad and other cities, towns do not falsely label domain investors, who are mostly at home, a security threat without any proof, why is goa government alone criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting the single woman engineer, just because she owns a small number of domains
The goa government claims that it wants investors to invest in goa, yet it refuses to end the persecution, human right abuses and criminal defamation of those who have already invested in goa, So before investing in goa, the investors should consider how the greedy goan officials are persecuting investors in the worst manner, denying them the fundamental rights which domain investors like Hyderabad domain investor swetha yenugala have, despite investing in 16000 domains