Legal help required to end fraud of lazy greedy young people FAKING computer work, domain investment

Most young people are not interested in growing plants yet LIAR DIESHONEST indian tech, internet companies making fake claims
Though they make millions of dollars in profit, the extremely dishonest greedy indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata , infosys , cognizant and others are running one of the greatest government slavery racket, cybercrime rackets on small online business owners in india falsely claiming that LAZY GREEDY young people, who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer are doing the work to give the SHAMELESS GREEDY young frauds great powers, monthly government salaries at the expense of the hardworking older person

Most young people are not interested in growing any type of plants,yet exposing the massive government SLAVERY racket of the indian tech and internet companies, government agencies they are making FAKE CLAIMS about greedy good looking young frauds like they did in goa. There are plenty of jobs available for young people, few opportunities available for older citizens, and there is no one below the age of 50 associated with the websites in the network in any way at all. Indore robber raw employee deepika/veena is also not associated with the websites in any way, since she refuses to legally purchase the domains despite being extremely wealthy with assets of Rs 10 crore or more

If any tech, internet company, young person is falsely claiming to be associated with the websites in this network, please contact at so that legal action can be taken against the young person for fraud. Also looking for legal help to end the fraud of lazy greedy young people faking computer work, domain investment

Legal help required to end EXTORTION RACKET of haryana security agency employees making fake allegations without proof

Gurugram’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, full time human resources manager at optum, getting a salary of Rs 14-15 lakh, despite being extremely wealthy does not invest money in domains, has no online income at all, does not have a paypal, bank account of her own

Yet Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to defend or help marathi speaking professionals, investors from bombay karnataka like the the goa 1989 jee topper haryana’s greedy corrupt LIAR security agencies running a massive EXTORTION racket to get gurugram top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership, paypal, bank account since 2012 after falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat without any legally valid proof

The goa 1989 jee topper is a harmless single woman engineer who was not labelled a security threat for 21 years in mumbai, she has never visited haryana anytime in her life yet only for RESUME ROBBERY haryana’s greedy corrupt LIAR security agencies running a massive EXTORTION racket so that gurugram’s GREEDIEST cheater raw employee ruchita kinge can get a monthly government salary without investing money in domains, without doing any computer work

Being pathological LIARS, extortionists, to cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, the CORRUPT haryana security agencies are also spreading fake rumors that the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, belong to fraud government employees, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, allegedly puneet who HATE her, though the extortionist haryana officials are aware that government employees HATE the single woman, have never helped her anytime

Legal help required to end extortion racket, banking fraud, government SLAVERY of haryana’s officials, please contact on

Government rewards greedy goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar for corporate espionage, criminal defamation, denying investor justice

Ruling party usually loses when there is no justice, no opportunities
Times of india carried a front page story, which indicated that the ruling party is likely to lose the lok sabha elections in maharashtra according to the survey they conducted
Reading the book on Birbal, Akbar, where people would complain when they were cheated showed the lack of justice at present.
the greedy goan cheater raw employee siddhi mandrekar, committed corporate espionage, has criminally defamed the domain investor who she hates, yet the government continues to falsey link the cheater siddhi, falsely gives the cheater credit, great powers and monthly government salary at the expense of the hardworking single woman who te greeedy cheater siddhi hates, criminally defames
while this is very convenient for shameless cheater siddhi, the single woman is clearly discriminated against, denied the right to justice, equality when the government rewards the cheater siddhi with government salary, great powers for faking bank account, domain ownership, for the crimes committed on the single woman who is making great losses.

The Cure for a Breakup

I recently broke up with my girlfriend and it was really causing me to become depressed. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or breathe without thinking about her. My friends tried to take me out to get me to snap out of my bout of depression, but it wasn’t working. They then decided that I would be happy if I spent a night with an escort from a las vegas escort agency. I wasn’t focused on any other woman except for my ex, but my friends assured me that my life would improve instantly after seeing the escort.

In the time leading up to my meeting with the escort that my friends arranged for me, I was still thinking about my ex-girlfriend. While I was in the shower, I was thinking about all of the happy times that I was having with my girlfriend and started to cry a little. I had to snap out of it as much as I could before the meeting happened. I stopped crying, but the depression was still there. The moment I met the escort, everything changed. I stopped thinking about my ex-girlfriend and started thinking about how beautiful the escort was.

The escort had a great smile and I liked hearing her laugh. That night was like therapy for me. I was focused on having fun with the woman that I was with, and nothing about my past with my ex-girlfriend entered my mind. The escort and I went back to my place and we had a wonderful night of intimacy. The next morning, I woke up and had a smile on my face. I was a new person with a better outlook on life. I didn’t care if I ever saw my ex-girlfriend ever again, because I could always have a good time without her.

Legal help required to end the criminal defamation of harmless engineer by indore officials/leaders since 2010

GREEDY LIAR indore officials/leaders continue with CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of goa 1989 jee topper to get indore’s top CHEATER housewife raw employee deepika/veena monthly government salaries
Like the Kuno imported cheetah’s which the madhya pradesh government is housing at a very great cost, who are straying outside their territory, the CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders have found a very convenient way to make the state and city richer, targetting vulnerable obc engineers with good JEE rank for resume theft, cybercrime and CRIMINAL DEFAMATION so that lazy greedy housewives from the state can get lucrative raw jobs with the ROBBED RESUME, data, bank account of the single woman engineer, domain investor
The CUNNING CHEATER indore officials/leaders do not want to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB any indore local, because the citizen will complain, so they are extremely ruthless and vicious in targetting vulnerable citizens like the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman engineer, for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION so that indore’s top cheater housewife deepika/veena who is only COOKING, CLEANINg for her crooked husband can get a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership, bank account and her resume since 2010
Though the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer has never visited indore or madhya pradesh in her life which can be legally proved, the GREEDY CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh officials are making fake cheating, security threat and black money allegations without any proof at all since 2010, to justify the RESUME ROBBERY, BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY
The engineer has lived in the same state for more than 20 years when she was a penniless student at the age of 17, she was not labelled a security threat, only when she has savings,and is well known worldwide as a domain investor, she is being falsely labelled a security threat, cheater for RESUME ROBBERY, though she has largely remained in the same area for more than 20 years and doing the same activities, reading and writing . Due to the government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the engineer is making a loss since 2012, so there is no black money at all, which can be legally proved.
Indicating the lack of social justice, widespread human rights abuses, the indian government refuses to ask the LIAR CHEATER indore officials/leaders, their favorite fraud raw employee bespectacled cheater deepika/veena for proof of black money, cheating, security threat and continues to waste indian taxpayer money paying indore’s top cheater deepika/veena a monthly government salary, DUPING companies, countries and people with its lies.
Legal help required to end the criminal defamation of the indore officials.leaders which the indian government blindly believes. Please contact on

People, companies and countries should be aware that greedy goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar is a pathological LIAR CRIMINALLY DEFAMING innocent people

CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet has taught his sugar baby greedy goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar to destroy the reputation of people completely
One of the reasons why the indian government is tolerating all the frauds of top government employee CUNNING CHEATER puneet is because he is an excellent actor and LIAR who specializes in destroying the reputation and life of innocent people with his SLANDER , FAKE allegations with his slander of his btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay being the best example of his DISHONESTY, GREED
The cheater puneet is an an excellent actor, called ‘dev anand’ in college for his acting skills and is an expert in manipulating people, so though he is telling complete lies everyone including other government officials believe his complete lies
Now he has trained all his girlfriends, sugar babies like goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar very well in slander and now the domain investor is finding it difficult to fight the slander of greedy goan raw employee shameless siddhi mandrekar
People, companies and countries should be aware that greedy goan raw employee siddhi mandrekar is a pathological LIAR CRIMINALLY DEFAMING innocent people, especially domain investor, since she can fake domain ownership, bank account to get great powers, monthly government salaries

High court records show the extent of RAW/cbi/state government CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of domain investor

before government agencies comment on the website content, they should explain why government agencies have been criminally defaming her since 2010 causing great financial losses and committing human rights abuses.
In addition to the instagram photos of greedy goan bhandari raw employee, the high court records also show that goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan has never done any computer work at all, she is mostly at the court. Yet government agencies, goa government continue to CRIMINAL DEFAME the domain investor, falsely claiming that the goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan , who does not have a computer at home, is doing all the computer work, to give her great powers pay her a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman non-goan bhandari engineer who is spending her time and money in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2012
This government fraud of making fake claims about its call girl, housewife , cheater employees who do not invest money in domains, do not do computer work, is causing great financial losses, forcing the domain investor to post disclaimers

To run india’s biggest CYBERCRIME RACKET LIAR CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government specializes in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of hardworking single women

Though indore’s top greedy fraud raw employee housewife, deepika/veena never invested any money in domains, did not have any online income, in one of india’s biggest CYBERCRIME RACKET,FINANCIAL FRAUDS, the shameless CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government specializes in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of hardworking small online business owners to steal their resume,data and get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs for LAZY GREEDY FRAUD housewives from the state with indore’s top greedy fraud raw employee housewife, deepika/veena being the main beneficiary
The LIAR CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government was aware that indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena was only COOKING,CLEANING for her crooked husband, did not invest any money in domains,yet being extremely ruthless in its FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women, since 2010, its liar employees are viciously CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman,so that indore’s top fraud housewife deepika gets a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership,online income
Due to the CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the domain investor is making great losses and trying to sell the domains, yet being the greediest ONLINE FRAUDSTERS indore robber raw employee deepika/veena refuses to purchase the domains though she is getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, proof of the indian government policy of encouraging and rewarding CYBERCRIME in india

Increasingly young women prefer to study law, since they can get paid work, even after 60 years

Top cheater government employee puneet DUPING people with fake stories about his SUGAR BABIES like goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan who is focussing on her legal career and has never invested money in domains

Increasingly young women are preferring to study law since they can get work, even after 60 or 70 in most cases while in the indian tech and internet sector, there is no work for most people after the age of 45 and it becomes worse when they become 50

Though she is the main beneficiary of the government job for sex racket in the indian internet sector, especially allegedly by the government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, who are allegedly involved in CYBERCRIME on their real classmate to steal her data and get all their lazy greedy girlfriends especially goan bhandari sunaina chodan a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership,online income, at the expense of their classmate who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME, SCAMMER sunaina is not interested in working online, she is focussing on her legal career according to government records available online and her family life since she is married ,enjoying with her husband,

Yet showing ruthless top cheater government employee puneet is in his online,financial fraud on his btech 1993 ee classmate, he continues DUPING people with fake stories about his SUGAR BABIES like goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan

Led by the CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER puneet,LIAR FRAUD top indian government employees CRIMINALLY DEFAMING obc single woman engineers with good JEE rank as criminals

Led by the CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER puneet,LIAR FRAUD top indian government employees CRIMINALLY DEFAMING obc single woman engineers with good JEE rank as criminals to rob everything from them
indicating the lack of social justice in india, worsening status of educated women, and taking advantage of the DISHONESTY of bhandari/obc leaders/officials led by GREEDY goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar, naik, Led by the CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER puneet,LIAR FRAUD top indian government employees CRIMINALLY DEFAMING harmless obc single woman engineers with good JEE rank who they HATE as criminals to rob everything from them and get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends with the stolen resume, savings, data in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD
the obc single woman engineer is a harmless private citizen who has never cheated anyone or committed any crime, yet showing how ruthless brahmin/bania government employees are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING hardworking obc engineers, investors they are making up 100% fake stories that the harmless engineer is the greatest criminal in india to commit horrific human rights abuses, resume theft, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010
though the CUNNING CHEATER puneet and his associates cannot provide any proof of any criminal activities for more than 13 years despite wasting crores of indian taxpayer money, the government agencies continue to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the hardworking single woman to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB, torture her for the rest of her life, causing insomnia almost daily
The CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER top indian government employees are aware that the single woman engineer is a harmless private citizen, who has not violated any law, yet being blinded by their GREED and supported by the DISHONEST FRAUD indian tech and internet companies they are abusing their great powers to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the harmless single woman to TORTURE, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her for more than 13 years since 2010