Is not uncommon to drive by homes that are for sale and see that a real estate agent has put out a nice brochure portraying everything in the house that prospective buyers want to see when they stop by to pick up the brochure. In my email last week, I was innterested to see that apartment complexes now make the same type of brochure in digital form, and one particular place emailed a nice one out to prospective customers. It said to click here so that is what I did. They really got my attention. The website is really professional and inviting. The apartment complex itself looked amazing.
I had not really been in the market for a new place. So, at first, I wasn’t in any particular hurry to go by to see any of their available units. However, about one week later, my sister called me to let me know that her husband had left her and was kicking her and their child out of the home they shared for three years. Considering that she has stayed at home to take care of their daughter, and had no job herself this was very concerning. He was not willing to help her to find a new place or pay for it, and there is no way I could allow her or my niece to have nowhere to go.
It did not take me long at all to realize that I needed to step up and help my sister. She has no friends where she is, so I told her that I would immediately start looking for a bigger place that would fit the three of us. Remembering the website that I had just seen, I drove over to look at what they had to offer. They had a three bedroom apartment that is much nicer than the one two bedroom place that I had been living in. I knew it would be perfect, and the bigger place would be great for allowing my sister to get back on her feet.