Legal help required to end correspondence theft of harmless private citizen by raw employees

Greedy goan sugar babies raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan continue to ROB correspondence of domain investor

One of the reasons why the domain investor is protesting is because she is denied her fundamental rights and her correspondence is diverted and ROBBED by top government employees and their Greedy goan sugar babies raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan who HATE her to isolate the single woman engineer and cause great financial losses
Before the domain investor relocated to goa, her correspondence was not robbed, everyone could contact her. Only after the domain investor relocated to goa for personal reasons, after investing in property, the goa government started diverting and robbing the correspondence of the domain investor without a legally valid reason . Now the domain investor has left goa for more than 14 months, yet the goa government or the other government agencies continue to divert and rob the correspondence
Legal help required to end the correspondence of a harmless private citizen without a legally valid reason, please contact on