Many of the problems faced in India like poverty, corruption, low job growth, are due to the fact that the most powerful indian government employees are also the most dishonest, shamelessly abusing their powers for personal gain and hatred. They are ruthless in defaming without any proof at all, cheating and exploiting the google competitor because they are getting money, sex, job bribes to do so.
When their lazy greedy sex partners, relatives, friends are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, and do not have their own paypal account, on what basis are indian government, google, tata employees making fake claims that these women own the paypal account, domain names of the google competitor.
When Income tax returns, bank details will expose NTRO, CBI, R&AW, google, tata’s defamation of google competitor since 2010 , why is indian tax payer money being still being wasted to defame a harmless private citizen who has not broken any law at all, why refuse to acknowledge the time and money she is investing online .