NTRO employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar are involved in a major internet connection, domain,banking, financial fraud, where they first reward people for defaming an innocent harmless single woman domain investor, without any legally valid reason, without giving the domain investor the opportunity to defend herself. Then falsely pretending to help her, steal everything her resume, savings, memory, correspondence
After stealing everything they end their FAKE HELP and refuse to provide details of their fraud friends, who they rewarded for defaming the innocent, harmless single woman domain investor, to ruin her reputation, life, finances
However they also expect the domain investor to tolerate the exploitation for the rest of her life , just because their fraud friends made 100% fake allegations against her
When the domain investor is protesting against the fraud of the ntro employees of rewarding, protecting people for defaming her without proof, they are labelling her as mentally unsound, being a security threat in one of the greatest financial frauds in the world