One of the reasons why non brahmins like obc bhandaris are poor, is that when non brahmins commit a crime on their relatives, the brahmin dominated indian government rewards them with R&AW jobs , falsely claiming that they have the resume, investment of their victims in another example of brahmin atrocities,hypocrisy
When pravin mahajan killed his brother the bjp leader pramod mahajan, a brahmin, pravin mahajan was jailed for his crime,. however when indore housewife bespectacled veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone, stole the documents of the google competitor, google, tata, rewarded the indore crook for her crime under section 378 of the indian penal code with a R&AW job so that no action could be taken against her.
Now though the indore R&AW employee document robber veena is only looking after her house and family in indore, the indian government is paying her a monthly salary falsely claiming that she has the resume, investment of her crime victim , who is forced to work like a slave by the bribe taking liar fraud ntro employees, google, tata