For more that 8 years brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater powerful PROSTITUTE PAMPERER puneet, light eyed director of a domlur, bengaluru company has ruthlessly defamed without any proof at all, cheated, exploited and sexually harassed his harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, stolen her resume, savings, memory and correspondence, falsely claiming to help her .
The brahmin cheater puneet also pampered the lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE RAW employes bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin fraud nayanshreee, indore document robber veena and others falsely claiming that they were working online, when he was aware of the fact that his call girl, fraud girlfriends were not doing any work online, not investing any money online, and are least interested in doing so in future also
After 8 years of duping people, the engineer has finally realized that the ntro employee mhow cheater powerful PROSTITUTE PAMPERER puneet is a shameless liar, cheater, faking his relationship, involved in a banking, Paypal, online fraud which can be legally exposed. Now that she is telling everyone that the ntro employee puneet is a fraud, he and his associates are threatening his btech 1993 ee engineering classmate whose identity he has stolen with death using voice to skull technology , so that their identity theft, financial fraud will not be exposed