In all sectors, like shares,fixed deposits, property the government is acknowledging the citizen who is paying for the asset, the government does falsely claim that the asset of a private citizen making a loss belongs to its well paid employees getting a very good monthly salary with dearness allowance and pension, DUPING companies, countries and people worldwide since 2010 causing great financial losses to the real domain investor.
Only in the indian internet sector, allegedly bribed by the top tech and internet companies alleegdly led by google, tata since 2010, CUNNING CHEATER LIAR top indian government employees like j srinivasan, puneet, vijay, tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha who do not pay any money at all for the domains, like other greedy girlfriends and associates are falsely claiming to own the domains paypal, payoneer, bank account of a private citizen who they HATE, SLANDER, have never helped in any way at all.
To cover up the massive financial fraud which can be legally proved the real domain investor is slandered in the worst manner, a victim of character assasination,and fake rumors are spread that her domains belong to greedy government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay who HATE her so that their real girlfriends like slim goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan owning an expensive bull dog, hotel manager siddhi mandrekar, indore robber housewife deepika/veena and others can get monthly government salaries for FAKING domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor
The job for sex racket in the indian internet sector is widely discussed on domain forums, specifically thai investor wot has mentioned that indian government employees are falsely claiming that young women who offer them sex bribes are being falsely promoted as domain investors to get them government jobs at the expense of the real domain investor
Looking for a lawyer /advocate who can help in filing a PIL/court case to force the government to end the financial fraud of its well paid LIAR employees who falsely claim that they, their favorite call girls, girlfriends and associates who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen who they HATE, slander and have never helped in any way at all.
Even if everyone spreads fake rumors about a domain investor, it does not change the domain ownership, when Twitter owner Elon Musk legally purchased from paypal, the government, tech and internet sector, fails to answer why their favorite FRAUD CALL GIRL raw employee goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan and other raw/cbi employees do not legally purchase domain names, rely on fraud LIAR top government employees to make fake claims about domain ownership since 2010 dupe companies, countries and people worldwide.
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