Though indore’s top greedy fraud raw employee housewife, deepika/veena never invested any money in domains, did not have any online income, in one of india’s biggest CYBERCRIME RACKET,FINANCIAL FRAUDS, the shameless CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government specializes in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of hardworking small online business owners to steal their resume,data and get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs for LAZY GREEDY FRAUD housewives from the state with indore’s top greedy fraud raw employee housewife, deepika/veena being the main beneficiary
The LIAR CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government was aware that indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena was only COOKING,CLEANING for her crooked husband, did not invest any money in domains,yet being extremely ruthless in its FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women, since 2010, its liar employees are viciously CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman,so that indore’s top fraud housewife deepika gets a monthly government salary FAKING domain ownership,online income
Due to the CUNNING CHEATER madhya pradesh government FINANCIAL FRAUD, the domain investor is making great losses and trying to sell the domains, yet being the greediest ONLINE FRAUDSTERS indore robber raw employee deepika/veena refuses to purchase the domains though she is getting a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership, proof of the indian government policy of encouraging and rewarding CYBERCRIME in india