One of the greatest online fraudsters in india is the Greedy goan CALL GIRL raw employee siddhi mandrekar who is getting great powers, monthly government salary for faking online income, domain ownership, bank account with the help of her powerful boyfriends like puneet and relatives.
Greedy goan CALL GIRL raw employee siddhi mandrekar does not want to do any computer work, pay expenses,has convered up all her frauds criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor whose data she robs to FAKE domain ownership, online income and bank account and get a monthly government salary.
Even when the domain investor wanted to trace her crypto deposits, the customer support was an associate of cheater siddhi mandrekar
Yet exposing the dishonesty of the indian tech and internet companies they are openly supporting cybercrime, financial fraud falsely claiming that the goan cheater raw employee siddhi mandrekar who is a full time employee of a hotel chain, does not want to take the risk of investing in domains, owns the domains, bank account of a private citizen, single woman engineer who siddhi mandrekar hates, has criminally defamed, harassed, cheated, exploited, robbed since 2012.