In massive Indian online money making fraud, CYBERCRIMINAL RAW/cbi employees ROB data of private citizen, MAKE FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly indian government salary
In massive Indian online money making fraud, allegedly masterminded by the sundar pichai led google, tata , CYBERCRIMINAL RAW/cbi employees ROB data of private citizen who they HATE, MAKE FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly indian government salary for more than ten years since 2010
The high status well connected google, tata sponsored RAW/cbi employees do not do any kind of computer work at all, do not invest any money in domains, yet with the help of the ROBBER raw/cbi/ntro employees steal all the data of a hardworking single woman domain investor and then FALSELY CLAIM that they are doing the work, investing money online, to get monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor indicating the complete lack of morals, humanity and honesty of the largest indian tech and internet companies
Some of the top fraud raw/cbi employees like gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil are trying to cover up their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, making manipulated videos that they are talking to the domain investor
Google, tata were extremely proud of their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, they were also very confident that it would not be exposed.,
However, indian lawyers have confirmed that ROBBING data of a private citizen is a cybercrime under indian cyberlaw, yet raw/cbi refuse to end the fraud.