Due to criminal defamation for 13 years, domain investor’s job salary will be less than a caretaker
Indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are extremely ruthless in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING hardworking experienced small online business owners to steal their resume, get no work, no investment government jobs for the relatives, associates of top government employees like panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and avoid paying SEX, MONEY BRIBES to government employees from their million dollar profits
These fraud indian tech and internet companies are shameless LIARS, FRAUDS ruining the reputation of the extremely skilled hardworking experienced webmaster so that no company in india will be willing to employ the webmaster, engineer paying a fair salary
They expect the engineer to work at a very low salary after criminally defaming her , ROBBING her resume which the engineer does not want to do since this will indicate that she has accepted the resume ROBBERY
Also the domain investor has to help senior citizens at home, and if she has to do a job, she will have to hire a caretaker who will demand a salary which is higher than what intelligence agencies will allow businesses in india to pay her as salary
The standard daily payment for a caretaking work for 8 hours daily is Rs 800 and the ruthless fraud raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar have indicated that indian companies will pay the domain investor less than Rs 24000 monthly for a job
So hiring a caretaker for a job will be a loss, and there is a risk of fake cases, since the domain investor has many powerful enemies, and despite the government SLAVERY, work at home FINANCIAL FRAUD, it is better to remain at home and do whatever work available,.