Google competitor has to waste her time and money daily to expose NTRO employees fraud and lies

Usually indian government employees do not interfere and make fake claims about small businesses, their ownership and other details . However allegedly bribed by google, tata, since 2010, the fraud ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, have been making complete fake claims about the ownership and other details of the online business of a harmless google competitor, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her , and get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperiencedgirlfriends lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
The indian government refuses to acknowledge the fact that the powerful ntro employees are shameless liars forcing the google competitor to waste her time daily posting disclaimers about the lies and fraud of the ntro employees who are wasting indian tax payer money to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her. It is a very brilliant fraud of google, tata, as the ntro employees cannot be identified or held accountable by a private citizen
Income tax returns , bank details will expose the lies of the ntro employees who are making fake claims to destroy the life of the google competitor out of hatred,greed.

Google competitor fights lonely battle against fraud NTRO, cbi, google, tata employees defaming her

Powerful fraud ntro, cbi, google, tata, raw employees are involved in a major fraud on a harmless google competitor, wasting crores of indian tax payer money to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her. As a harmless private citizen, there is no reason why indian intelligence and security agencies should be interested in her as there is almost no way she can cause any harm to anyone
Yet the fraud ntro employees are misusing her name, falsely claiming to be knowing her very well, to steal her resume, interfering in her life, when they should not bother her in any way at all, like most other indian citizens .
Now that the ntro employees have committed a very great fraud on the harmless google competitor , these ambitious cunning fraud ntro employees are not willing to leave her alone , and are wasting crores of tax payer money trying to cover up their great fraud on her

Ambitious greedy fraud ntro employees sexually harass, cheat and exploit harmless google competitor for a decade

To further their career, ambitious greedy fraud ntro employees sexually harass, cheat, defame, torture and exploit a harmless google competitor for more than a decade, wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process.
These ntro employees will do anything to further their career, and stealing the impressive resume, savings of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor , was one of the most dishonest frauds of the powerful cunning ntro employees led by the light eyed brahmin fraud puneet, j srinivasan, patel, parmar, vijay
They were never interested in contacting her in any way, those from the 1993 ee class and batch who wanted to contact her, did so through social media, yet they shamelessly misuse her name to steal her resume, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved
If they are so status conscious, why are they are using her name, interfering in her life, wasting indian tax payer money

Illegally married gujju school dropout housewife cbi employee is india and goa’s role model

In a clear indication of the rampant fraud, corruption and nepotism in NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agencies, in 2017, the indian government, cbi allegedly bribed by google, tata are wasting a huge amount of indian tax money pampering and paying a monthly indian government salary a semiliterate illegally married eigtht standard pass gujju housewife naina , mother of two sons ,falsely claiming that the semi literate gujju housewife has a btech 1993 ee degree and owns domain names of a google competitor.

Goa’s vvip schoool dropout semiliterate cbi employee naina has openly admitted that she was married at the age of 16 and has only completed eighth standard , when the legal age for marriage for women in India is 18 years, However to encourage child marriage and discourage women from completing their education , the indian government is pampering the eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons , wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to dupe people, companies and countries worldwide that the semiliterate gujju housewife, who has never operated a computer, owns domain names of a google competitor

It is a reflection of the complete lack of morals, integrity, honesty of the shameless section 420 fraud security and intelligence employees in goa, that they do not appreciate merit, hard work, education and pamper a school dropout married at the age of 16 to get her a monthly cbi salary at the expense of a obc bhandari single woman engineer

CIA should prevent violence in their country before demonizing harmless foreign citizens, google competitors

The killing of 59 US citizens in las vegas by a millionaire gambler clearly indicated the misplaced priorities of CIA, NSA and others, as they do not watch their own citizens who commit crimes, instead demonizing harmless indian citizens, especially google competitors to destroy their life . Compared to the United States it is far more difficult for a private citizen to commit any crime in india because indian citizens are under very close surveillance, especially those who work online, and get any money using paypal .
It appears that CIA , NSA, google employees are making up completely fake defamatory stories without any proof against a harmless google competitor just because she is criticizing and exposing corruption. There are many people who are angry and upset, especially if they are cheated, they do not cause any violence, everyone has the freedom of speech and the right to justice
While there are deaths due to stampedes, especially at religious functions, rarely do indians cause any violence, as they are peaceloving and it is not easy to get guns or other weapons. So CIA, NSA should focus on their own citizens, taking preventive action, instead of a harmless google competitor living thousands of kilometers from their country.

Rape and sex bribes are two sides of the same coin

When a women made allegations of rape against Baba gurmeet ram rahim, the indian government investigated the allegations and he was sent to jail. However when a woman engineer is denied the income and opportunities she deserved because she did not offer sex bribes to top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees the indian government refuses to investigate the sex racket though a huge amount of indian tax payer money is being wasted for more than 7 years since 2010.
The top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees have diverted all the income and opportunities the woman engineer deserved to the lazy greedy mediocre women R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, who offered them sex bribes, which is a clear case of sexual exploitation.
This expose the double standards of the indian government when baba ram rahim sexually exploits women, he is sent to jail, when top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees sexually exploit harmless indian women to enjoy free sex , no action is taken against them, they continue to waste crores of indian tax payer money in the process annually since 2010.

No equality in the indian internet sector due to corrupt greedy officials

Indian paypal account holders who are not well connected are subjected to very great atrocities by the indian intelligence and security agencies who make completely fake allegations without any proof at all. the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees are falsely claiming that their relatives, friends, the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online , own the websites and paypal account of a google competitor, domain investor to get all these google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly R&AW/CBI salary making a mockery of the fundamental right to equality assured by the indian constitution
An open question to the indian intelligence and security agency employees, when india claims that all citizens are equal, why do their lazy greedy mediocre relatives and friends like goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak not open their own paypal account, start their own online business, investing their time and money, why are they behaving like section 420 frauds, duping people, companies and countries worldwide with their complete lies about the domain, paypal account

can the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak explain in an open debate why their lazy greedy extortionist relative goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak (looks like kangana ranaut) who has got a CBI job since 2014 for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, cannot open her own paypal account and start her own online business, why are they falsely goan conwoman ridddhi, a section 420 fraud owns the online business of a google competitor, obc bhandari single woman engineer, a private citizend.

Like Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim, NTRO, CBI, google, tata employees also sexually exploit women

The television channels especially India today, republic tv are continuously cover the arrest of Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim on rape charges, however the cowardly indian mainstream media does not have the courage, honest and humanity to cover the true news of how top NTRO, CBI employees are sexually exploiting lazy women to enjoy free sex, and getting the young women lucrative R&AW jobs as reward for their sex services
The women who had come to baba gurmeet ram rahim probably wanted some help, and were exploited, similarly google, tata employees are allegedly involved in a major sex trade racket supplying sex workers to top ntro, cbi, security agency employees, After enjoying the sex services provided by the google, tata sponsored sex workers, the fraud Ntro, cbi, security agency employees falsely claim that the sex workers are online experts, domain investors to get the google, tata supplied sex workers lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with monthly salary
However the greatest victim of the ntro, cbi sex racket is the real domain investor, a google competitor who finds that the indian government, NTRO, CBI, R&AW and others are falsely claim that the google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds who do not spend any money, own her domain names to waste indian tax payer money paying them a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

For more than 7 years, the domain investor has tried to get justice, however the indian mainstream media and government ignores the great google goan sex racket

When she has not broken any law, why does engineer require help from semiliterate, cheater housewives, sex workers?

In 2011-12 google, tata, ntro employees like parmar, puneet, j srinivasan, patel, were rewarding anyone who was making fake allegations against a google competitor and experienced engineer , without checking if there was any proof available as they were desperate to ruin the reputation, life and finances of the google competitor, who had a higher 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai

Cunningly and falsely claiming to help, these fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi employees refused to provide any information about the fake allegations to the engineer, like the name, address of the person, exact allegation being made, and proof available, they blindly believed in the complete lies of the person making the fake allegations, clearly indicating that they had extremely poor judgement

When people found that ntro employees were rewarding them for making up fake stories about a woman engineer they had never met, without checking for proof, many people looking for easy money, made up fake stories and were rewarded by google, tata, ntro, cbi employees for their lies, slander and defamation. Then the cunning ntro employees are using these fake stories as an indication of guilt, when actually not a single person has any legally valid proof at all.

The defamation was then used as an excuse for stealing the resume, investment, correspondence and memory of the google competitor, to get 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex workers, frauds R&AW/CBI jobs with monthly salary. After stealing the resume, savings, of the engineer, the cunning ntro employees again refused to reply to the engineer as their main aim was to destroy the engineers life and steal her savings, resume.

Also the fake cases filed disappeared as now those filing the cases would have to directly deal with the engineer who would ask for proof of cheating and would file a defamation cases, instead of the fraud ntro employees who believed all the slander against the engineer and rewarded everyone making up malicious fake defamatory stories against the google competitor, without asking for proof .

Now the cunning ntro employees are falsely claiming that the engineer is obliged to their lazy mediocre fraud girlfriends like semiliterate housewife naina, sex worker sunaina, when actually in reality the engineer has not broken any law, and does not require any help from the ntro employees and their mediocre fraud friends who are impersonating her.

Google,tata expect fraud victim to tolerate exploitation, cheating again , repeat her mistake of trusting young women

It is now a well known fraud of google, tata on indian paypal account holders ask lazy greedy young women like siddhi, nayanshree, ruchika to do a little work for a domain investor, paypal account holder and then falsely claim that these women are doing all the work to get them R&AW/CBI jobs at the expense of the domain investor who is not getting anything at all, despite doing all the work, spending all the money .
In some cases, google, tata are getting R&AW/CBI jobs for women just because they are speaking to the domain investor or stalking her or stealing her documents like goan sex worker sunaina, housewife naina, indore frauds veena, deepika . The shameless cunning fraud google, tata employees have got 10 lazy greedy fraud women lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs at the expense of the google competitor falsely claiming that they are doing work online, investing money online, when financial records will expose the online fraud of google, tata , ntro, cbi
In August 2017 the cunning section 420 fraud google, tata employees who masterminded the online financial, paypal fraud are so shameless, that they are sending another young woman Iona saying that she requires work urgently , using almost the same words which google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees nayanshree and ruchika used in 2011 to get work, steal the resume of the domain investor and get lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs

After ruthlessly exploiting, cheating a domain investor, engineer, why do google, tata expect her to trust any young woman again.,