Telling the truth about panaji’s top sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife cbi employee housewife naina chandan and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil is not defamation

The dishonest panaji gujju/sindhi community, leaders, officials, panaji security and intelligence agencies were aware that panaji’s top sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil have no online income at all, do not invest money in domains and that sindhi scammer naina chandan is only a kolhapur born eighth standard pass housewife illegally married at the age of 16, to her shameless fraud xerox shop owning husband pran
Yet being shameless frauds, liars panaji gujju/sindhi community, leaders, officials led by nikhil sha,parmar, tushar parekh, puneet criminally defamed a hardworking single woman engineer they HATED,, and with no one to help her, and got raw/cbi jobs for the panaji sindhi scammer naina, her lazy fraud sons, karan, nikhil, falsely claiming that the sindhi scammers who do not spend any money on domains,do not do any computer work, own the paypal, bank account of the single woman
the dishonest panaji gujju/sindhi community, leaders, officials, panaji security and intelligence agencies are also making up fake stories that raw/ntro employees like tushar parekh, puneet, parmar, nikhil sha who HATE the single woman, a private citizen , are helping her when it can be legally proved that there is no connection at all. After getting raw/cbi jobs for the sindhi scammer family, the gujju /sindhi community in panaji, goa is criminally defaming the single woman in the worst manner
When the single woman is exposing the dishonest panaji gujju/sindhi community, leaders, officials, panaji security and intelligence agencies FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL fraud on her, labor law violations they are falsely accusing her of defamation, when actually, it is the single woman engineer, domain investor who is being CRIMINALLY DEFAMED, CHEATED,. EXPLOITED by the sindhi scammer family, supported by the dishonest panaji gujju/sindhi community, google, tata, indian tech, internet companies

LIAR brahmin ntro employee puneet making FAKE CLAIMS about greedy goan bhandari FRAUD sunaina chodan only to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper

the biggest fraud brahmin LIAR ntro employees are mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, tushar parekh who making FAKE CLAIMS about greedy lazy liar raw/cbi employees goan bhandari FRAUD sunaina chodan, tata power employee’s wife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel and others only to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATE

The fraud ntro employees are aware that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends are not doing any computer work at all, sunaina chodan does not even have a computer at home, yet they are so BLINDED by their hatred of the goa 1989 jee topper, that they are shamelessly making FAKE CLAIMS of online income, savings, iwriter account since 2010, to DUPE people, companies and countries worldwide and CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper

Income tax returns will also legally prove that ntro/raw employees are LIARS making fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends, associates who have no online income at all. This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that people, companies and countries are aware that ntro/raw/cbi employees are LIARS, FRAUDS, making fake claims of domain ownership, online income.

Top gujju ntro employee parmar CRIMINALLY DEFAMING single woman to make his sex service provider naina rich and powerful

Gujju fraud ntro employee parmar fails to answer why his favorite sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan, does not open her own HDFCsec account legally in her own name.
Though the indian, goan government’s favorite sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is only a school dropout,only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked xerox shop owning husband and has no online income at all, the top Gujju fraud ntro employee parmar was so addicted to sex with naina that he criminally defamed a hardworking single woman engineer in the worst possible manner to get his favorite sindhi sex service provider naina and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil monthly raw/cbi salaries falsely claiming that the sindhi scammers,. who do not spend any money on domains, are domain investors when naina is only panaji’, ntro,raw’s favorite sex service provider
After destroying the life and reputation of the single woman engineer, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the innocent woman to make his favorite panaji sex service provider naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, rich and powerful,FAKING computer work, online income, now india’s top SEX ADDICT ntro employee parmar is making up fake stories that his sindhi sex queen naina, who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband is investing in shares
The panaji sindhi sex queen naina is least interested in doing any computer work at all including share trading, she is only cooking, cleaning and chatting, she relies on powerful liar gujju ntro/raw employees nikhil sha, tushar parekh, parmar to steal all the data of a single woman engineer, actually investing in shares and are DUPING all companies in india to get the panaji sindhi sex queen naina more powers
One of the best proofs that the ntro/raw employees are liars involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD, is that the name in the HDFCsec account does not match the name on the nameplate of the posh house of cbi employee naina chandan, yet the gujju, sindhi officials are shameless LIARS, FRAUDS, continue duping companies, countries, people with their lies

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Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims

Top goa security agency employees CRIMINALLY DEFAME online business owner as accountant to cover up their FINANCIAL FRAUD, LABOR LAW violations

To cover up their FINANCIAL FRAUD, LABOR LAW violations, some greedy government employees CRIMINALLY DEFAME domain investor as accountant.
One of the reasons why goa is not rated highly as a place to do business, is because some of the top greedy goa government employees crooked caro, caro’s fraud-in-law nayak, mandrekar, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar, naik,are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS, completely devoid of honesty, personal and professional integrity
They are aware that caro’s wife robber riddhi nayak caro, relatives siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammers school dropout housewife naina chandan, her sons karan, nikhil and other fraud raw/cbi/government employees, do not own the online business, websites including this one since they do not pay any expenses, do not do any computer work, and also do not hire anyone to do the work, since they do not find anyone skilled enough.
Yet indicating the complete lack of personal and professional integrity, these greedy goa government employees are extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real business owner, who is taking all the risk, doing all the computer work as an accountant and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud relatives and BRIBE givers , with no legal proof of business ownership own the business.
The greedy goa government employees do not even realize that in addition to being a FINANCIAL FRAUD, LABOR LAW violation worse than the Wistron Iphone factory, they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the business owner, falsely calling her the accountant, when she is doing the writing and other work for the business spending her time daily, she alone is taking the risk unlike robber riddhi nayak caro, who is only cooking, cleaning for her husband crooked caro, siddhi,sunaina, naina, nikhil, karan, who are not doing any computer work, yet make FAKE claims, get credit, monthly government salaries.
so before attracting other businesses, investors, the government should ask its well paid employees to stop CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the existing business owners.

Indian internet, tech sector labor law violations far worse than Wistron Iphone factory, single woman domain investor not paid for ten years, denied her rights

The ransacking of the Wistron Iphone factory near bengaluru by workers, allegedly for labor law violations, highlighted the FINANCIAL, LABOR LAW violations in the indian internet sector, which are far worse. The workers were angry and upset because they were not paid fairly for the work they did, yet in the indian tech, internet sector, led by google, tata, indian internet companies are far more ruthless in LABOR LAW violation making fake claims about computer work for the last ten years and then using CRIMINAL DEFAMATION to silence the person who is actually doing the work

In a fraud masterminded by google, tata, the security agencies especially in goa, are told to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the hardworking person, making any kind of fake allegations without any kind of proof, whatever FAKE STORIES the liar security agency employees like crooked caro, caro’s fraud father-in-law nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik can make up, these SHAMELESS LIAR greedy goa government employees are making up, repeating their stories like parrots and duping people, companies and countries worldwide with their complete lies

Then to reward these SHAMELESS LIAR greedy goa government employees for CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the hardworking single woman, google, tata, FRAUD LIAR indian internet and tech companies are getting raw/cbi jobs for wives and relatives like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and BRIBE givers like the panaji sindhi scammers school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil FALSELY CLAIMING that these frauds own the paypal, bank account, of the single woman engineer, though google, tata, FRAUD LIAR indian internet and tech companies are aware that these fraud raw/cbi employees are not doing any computer work, do not invest money in domains

This is a clear case of labor law violation, with the indian tech, internet sector refusing to acknowledge the person spending their time doing the computer work, yet the indian and state governments especially in goa, refuse to acknowledge that they are violating labor law, when the ntro, raw, cbi employees are making up FAKE STORIES of compuuter work, after stealing data, since 2010.
The indian mainstream media also refuses to question the LIAR indian tech, internet companies, google, tata, why the greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, mba hr ruchika kinge and fraud raw/cbi employees are FALSELY CLAIMING to own the domains, bank account of hardworking single woman engineer, private citizen since 2010, to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman who is actually doing all the work

The wistron iphone factory workers were not paid for months, google,tata, indian tech, internet companies have not paid the single woman for ten years, yet no one questions these fraud google, tata, indian internet company

Indian government rewards greedy goan bhandari LIAR FRAUD official pritesh chodankar for CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of goa 1989 jee topper with R&AW job for his lazy fraud relatives

Lakhs of indians being blackmailed because of indian government policy of rewarding SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD greedy goa government employee pritesh chodankar for CRIMINALLY DEFAMING harmlesss innocent goa 1989 jee topper
One of the greatest FRAUDS ,LIARS in goa is the SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD greedy goa government employee pritesh chodankar who has been CRIMINALLY DEFAMING harmlesss innocent goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman, making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof, duping a large number of people, companies and countries with his complete lies
Though the top fraud goan bhandari official chodankar is aware that his lazy greedy fraud relatives like sunaina chodan, purvi, piyali, teji do not have any computer at home, no online income at all, for 8 years being a SHAMELESS FRAUD, chodankar, with the help of other liar goan bhandari officials like naik have been duping companies, countries and people worldwide with their complete lies about their computer skills, income to get his lazy greedy fraud relatives government salaries at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper
Though bank details will legally prove the fraud of the top fraud goan bhandari official chodankar and his lazy fraud relatives who have no online income, no online investment, the indian government continues to reward him for CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the goa 1989 jee topper with a monthly salary for his fraud relative sunaina chodan for FAKING bank account, domain ownership, resume

Now lakhs of indians are being cheated, since greedy gujju companies are following the footsteps of greedy goa government liar employee pritesh chodankar in criminally defaming innocent people, to exploit them for the rest of their life , blackmail them and extort money

Some of the thousands of companies inspired by the greedy goan fraud robber raw/cbi employees fake allegation, extortion racket are
IQ solutions
Big data, Jamnagar
Freelancer forms
Orian technology
Nat enterprises
Golden enterprises
PRC solution
Rey Technology
UTS solutions
Work Novatech enterprises
VR enterprises
Xylem technology
Viz technology
HS enterprises
PG technology
wise word technology
Webalizer text solutions
Zet technology
Cradlesoft Enterprise
Zenith solutions
SUV Solutions
Elite services
Unicorn services
Equinox solutions
Technocraft solutions
Honey technology
FNA Solution
Software link solutions

This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that greedy goan bhandari LIAR FRAUD official pritesh chodankar, his lazy fraud relatives sunaina chodan, purvi, piyali, teji are all LIARS, FRAUDS with no online income at all, though they get monthly salaries for making FAKE CLAIMS and are supported by fraud brahmin ntro employes like j srinivasan who are allegedly enjoying sunaina’s sex services (according to domain investors worldwide) , google, tata pimps, fraud indian tech and internet companies
The liar goan bhandari officials are also collaborating with panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan, sons of the sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh in their FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the goa 1989 jee topper, to get three members of the sindhi scammer family monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper.

when his goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina is spending her time in court, why is CUNNING CRUEL brahmin ntro employee puneet making FAKE STORIES

when his goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina is spending her time in court, why is CUNNING CRUEL brahmin ntro employee puneet making FAKE STORIES of domain ownership to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES

when his goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina is spending her time in court, why is CUNNING CRUEL brahmin ntro employee puneet making FAKE STORIES of domain ownership to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES
When his goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina is not interested in an online career, why are CUNNING CRUEL brahmin ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan making up FAKE STORIES to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate
Some online research will easily prove that NTRO employee j srinivasan’s goan bhandari SUGAR BABY sunaina is spending her time in court, since she feels that a legal career is more lucrative compared to fraud controlled indian internet sector which RUTHLESSLY CHEATS, EXPLOITS hardworking single women domain investors so that top officials can enjoy free sex,get bribes from frauds like scammer sindhi school dropout naina chandan,her sons nikhil, karan and jobs for their lazy greedy relatives like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, who are not doing any computer work, falsely claiming that they are online experts.
It appears that R&AW employee sunaina is doing quite well in her legal career, she is getting legal work for which she is paid, yet the IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google is so vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor, also a prolific writer, that the goan government continues to criminally defame the single woman domain investor, with 100% FAKE STORIES of computer work, paypal, bank account

This shows the complete lack of honesty and humanity in the indian tech and internet sector, with google, tata allegedly involved in a BANKING, paypal account fraud, just to destroy the reputation, life of hardworking single women domain investor

Indian lawyers confirm that ROBBING data of a private citizen like the domain investor to make fake claims is a cybercrime

In massive Indian online money making fraud, CYBERCRIMINAL RAW/cbi employees ROB data of private citizen, MAKE FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly indian government salary
In massive Indian online money making fraud, allegedly masterminded by the sundar pichai led google, tata , CYBERCRIMINAL RAW/cbi employees ROB data of private citizen who they HATE, MAKE FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly indian government salary for more than ten years since 2010
The high status well connected google, tata sponsored RAW/cbi employees do not do any kind of computer work at all, do not invest any money in domains, yet with the help of the ROBBER raw/cbi/ntro employees steal all the data of a hardworking single woman domain investor and then FALSELY CLAIM that they are doing the work, investing money online, to get monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor indicating the complete lack of morals, humanity and honesty of the largest indian tech and internet companies
Some of the top fraud raw/cbi employees like gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil are trying to cover up their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, making manipulated videos that they are talking to the domain investor
Google, tata were extremely proud of their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, they were also very confident that it would not be exposed.,
However, indian lawyers have confirmed that ROBBING data of a private citizen is a cybercrime under indian cyberlaw, yet raw/cbi refuse to end the fraud.

Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan focussing on her legal career, yet indian internet sector, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi making FAKE CLAIMS about online income, domain ownership

Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan was never ever interested in working online, investing in domains in her life, yet just because the fraud brahmin/bania ntro/raw employees from the btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college led by the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan HATED the real domain investor, their btech 1993 ee classmate, a kshatriya single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper to destroy her life, the sociopath LIAR brahmin mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan made
FAKE CLAIMS for 8 years to get sunaina and other frauds like asmita patel great powers, a monthly R&aw salary at the expense of the kshatriya domain investor
Since 2018, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is openly focussing on her professional career which is not related to the internet sector at all, first she was working in HR in an american company in pato plaza, from august 2018-May 2019 (according to her linkedin profile which was later deleted) now she is focusing on her legal career, getting paid for her legal services for the time she spends doing the legal work for local clients.
Yet ntro, raw, cbi, goan, indian government, continues with its online fraud, of making FAKE CLAIMS about the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the hardworking single woman domain investor, writer, and paypal account holder who is spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work