The shameless fraud google, tata, ntro employees are promoting the lazy greedy shameless google, tata sponsored karnal haryana cheater R&AW employee mba hr ruchika who got a R&AW job for stealing the resume including a btech 1993 ee degree, investment of a google competitor as an activist fighting for woman’s rights when actually the shameless cunning greedy R&AW employe mba hr ruchika is only interested in getting more money and powers for herself and her shameless fraud greedy associates
Though karnal, haryana fraud mba hr R&AW employee ruchika and her associates were aware of the fact that the google competitor, obc single woman engineer was a harmless citizen trying to make some money to cover her daily expenses, for 7 years since 2010, they have made completely fake allegations without any proof at all, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the single woman engineer, to steal her savings, correspondence, resume, memory without any compensation at all.
Even the detective the engineer hired in Mumbai felt sorry for the great atrocities inflicted on her , yet the 10 shameless google, tata sponsored fraud cbi/raw/indian intelligence employees who are faking a btech 1993 ee degree including the shameless greedy karnal, haryana fraud raw employee mba ruchika have not helped the engineer in any way at all.
Now that ruchika and her fraud associates cannot find any proof against the google competitor after 7 years, despite wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money, it is time that R&AW/CBI/and the indian government stop associating their lazy greedy mediocre fraud employees with the google competitor, to deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved
Azam Khan booked for sedition for exposing sexual exploitation
The dishonest indian media refuses to carry any news of the sexual exploitation of indian women by indian intelligence and security agency employees. Only politicians like azam khan have the courage to tell the news, yet are booked for sedition . In a meeting, azam khan had mentioned that the military employees had their private parts cut by women in Kashmir, Manipur, Jharkhand, because of their sexual atrocities on them according to media reports. while the true facts are not known, the fact remains that indian intelligence and security agency employees are involved in the sexual exploitation of indian women all over india.
For example since 2010, the indian government has refused to acknowledge the time and money spent by india’s largest female domain investor because she is single and refuses to offer sex bribes to top government officials and falsely claims that as many as 10 lazy greedy inexperienced google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who did not answer JEE, have the resume, investment of the domain investor, a google competitor, who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai .
In 2017, the indian government is falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan sex workers and other frauds are online experts,domain investors because they offer sex bribes to powerful cbi, ntro, security agency employees while the real domain investor does not.
So though azam khan is booked for sedition, the fact remains that the indian government rewards women who offer sex bribes to or are related to security agency employees like karnal haryana mba hr ruchika with top R&AW jobs, with fake resume, fake investment, fake work, while single women who do not offer sex bribes find that cbi, security agencies are stealing their resume, investment, correspondence and memory in a clear case of sexual exploitation of harmless indian women
Indian paypal account holders, domain investors tortured worse than jews in nazi germany
In 2017, indian citizens are in a far worse condition than almost all democracies in the world as their life is sold to greedy fraud corporates like google, tata by corrupt cruel fraud indian intelligence and security agency employees
Google, tata are allegedly involved in identity theft of indian paypal account holders to acquire talent and technology cheaply, control powerful top intelligence and security agency officials getting jobs for their mediocre lazy fraud relatives and friends with the stolen resume of the paypal account holder as bribes to indian government employees
The real paypal account holder has been subjected to the most terrible human rights abuses worse than those inflicted on jews in nazi germany including mind reading, radiation torture and insomnia. Financial records will easily prove that top ntro, cbi, raw , google, tata employees are shameless frauds and liars worse than the nigerian fraudsters with no morals, humanity and have duped a large number of people, companies and countries with their complete lies .
Exposing extortion racket of cbi employee lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak is not defamation
Lazy greedy google, tata sponsored cbi employee lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak and her shameless fraud associates caro, nayak, mandrekar, have been complaining of defamation when the domain investor is stating the fact that the lazy greedy shameless fraud goan gsb mafia has been duping people about the ownership of websites, domain names and paypal account.
The shameless greedy cbi employee riddhi nayak and the goan gsb fraud mafia should realize the fact that their lazy cheater relative riddhi is no different from vijay mallya and other notorious frauds who are looting public, indian tax payer money.
When they cannot find any proof, why are they making fake allegations against a harmless google competitor, wasting indian tax payer money.
Why are they falsely claiming to own websites, domains, when they are not paying the market price of the domain names or any expenses , can the powerful goan gsb fraud mafia explain in an open debate?
Google, tata, NTRO, R&AW, CBI defamation of google competitor
R&AW/CBI employees are least interested in investing any money on domain names yet in the worst kind of defamation, NTRO, CBI employees are refusing to acknowledge the money invested by a google competitor, shamelessly and falsely claiming that the domain names, paypal account are owned by google, tata supplied goan sex workers , fraud relatives , friends of the top ntro, cbi employees to get the fraud friends, relatives and sex workers a monthly indian government salary.
It is extremely unfair to the google competitor that the indian government refuses to acknowledge the money she is spending on the domain names, and falsely claims that the domains belong to all the frauds who cheated her and the sex workers supplied by google, tata to her male btech 1993 ee classmates who hate her, to pay the goan sex workers and other frauds a monthly indian government salary
Since 2010, ntro, cbi have been making completely fake allegations of money laundering to exploit her when actually Paypal payment for domains, content and advertising. NTRO, cbi are making it very difficult for any person in india to purchase the domain names, threatening the person abusing their powers, and also do not have the courage or honesty to make any allegation directly
OBC engineers, domain investors expected to tolerate defamation quietly
Since 2010, a harmless obc single woman engineer, domain investor and private citizen has been defamed in the most vicious manner in multiple states of india, put under surveillance , with NTRO, CBI, security agency, google, tata employees making up extremely defamatory fake stories and misguiding a large number of people, destroying her reputation, making it difficult to get any leads and orders wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process.
However the brahmin, patel, bania and goan officials who are involved in the defamation for more than 7 years refuse to admit that they have slandered an innocent single woman obc engineer, domain investor, destroying her life and instead cunningly and falsely accuse the domain investor of defamation, when she will post any statement regarding the ownership of the domain name, website on the website, to prevent further cheating, exploitation
It exposes the hypocrisy of these government, google, tata employees innocent obc engineers are expected to tolerate defamation quietly and when they publish factually correct news of the brahmin atrocities, fraud, identity theft they are falsely accused of defamation to cheat, exploit them further . For how long are they expected to remain doormats tolerate the complete lies of google, tata employees
Unable to take action against criminal indian government employees torturing harmless citizens
It is very frustrating to be subjected to radiation torture, especially in panaji, goa because the cruel criminal fraud sex maniac indian government employees who are torturing the harmless citizens cannot be identified or held accountable.
Usually criminals, frauds and cheaters are punished, however in the indian internet sector the top ntro employees worship and lick the feet of google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds falsely claim that the sex workers, cheaters are online experts, domain investors and give them government jobs, great powers, and allow them to waste indian tax payer money to torture their victims
If a person was physically assaulting a criminal case could be immediately filed, however the indian government is in denial, refusing to acknowledge the fact that radiation weapons are being used on harmless citizens by indian government employees
Middle aged single women are second class citizens in India
India is probably one of the worst countries for single middle aged women, as NTRO and other indian government employees are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money to stalk, defame, sexually harass, torture these harmless single women, making a mockery of the indian constitution after making completely fake allegations without any proof.
Large companies like google, tata are allegedly openly involved in the harassment,identity theft of harmless middle aged single women to destroy competition, acquire talent and technology cheaply
Powerful government employees behave as if they are doing the woman a very great favor allowing her to live in india, the single women are denied their fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living, their retirement savings, resume, correspondence are stolen without a court order or legally valid reason, they are denied their fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living
Lawyer/human rights activist required to end memory reading of harmless indian citizens
Lawyer/human rights activist required to end non consensual memory reading of harmless indian citizens, engineers by NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agencies which is a breach of their fundamental right to privacy, to live with dignity and to earn a fair living .
Since 2010 NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agencies have been making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, against the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and have read her memory without her permission or offering any kind of compensation, falsely claiming national security, tax evasion. After 7 years, these indian government employees have not found any legally valid proof, yet are not stopping memory reading, causing great financial losses to her. Brain wave, mind reading technology has been discussed in the media, however the indian government has officially acknowledged how citizens are being selected for mind reading without their permission.
Looking for a lawyer who can file a PIL on behalf of indian citizens asking the government to explain why only some citizens are being selected for mind reading, the list of non criminals subjected to mind reading , what kind of compensation the government is offering to those whose memory has been read for some years without their permission, to compensate for the loss of income, what is being done with the stolen memory
Those who complain of defamation do not have the courage to contact the domain investor
A webhosting company suspended the webhosting account of a harmless domain investor falsely claiming that the content was defamatory, when actually the domain investor only published news based on facts.
The domain investor impersonated by the goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak, asked the webhosting company to ask all those who complain of defamation to contact her directly, however the shameless greedy SECTION 420 FRAUD riddhi nayak and her associates did not have the courage or honesty to contact the domain investor directly as the goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak (like other domain fraudsters) is a shameless greedy fraud, with the morals of a whore who will do anything for money and power
If anyone claims that they are owning the domains and websites, the domain investor would like to check the proof that these people have