I am a member of a group that recreates all kinds of things for the public. We do wars, futuristic events, and everything in between. Some of it is based in reality, and some is purely imagination. We have a lot of fun with it, and the crowds that gather to watch our re-enactments really enjoy seeing history played out this way. Those are my favorite things to do, but that could be because of the airsoft guns that we just recently bought to help make it more realistic too.
We were using wooden replicas, but it was obvious they were not real guns at all. A small detail like that can really make all the difference between a person just watching a re-enactment or believing that they are actually witnessing something real. Because of the type of group that we are, we are allowed to purchase airsoft guns, which is really cool. They look like the real deal, and the selection we are able to choose from would make any gun enthusiast happy. A lot of the rifles and pistols actually fit in with what we do, and there are some that we use when we have what we call our “Look Into the Future” shows.
My favorite airsoft gun is the Striker Sniper rifle that I use. It is lightweight, which makes it very easy to use. Everything about this particular gun, like the cock indicator, the pull action, the nozzle and the adjustable trigger, make it a fantastic gun, which is why it is my weapon of choice. I can have 45 rounds in the magazine, so I don’t have to stop and reload constantly like some of the others. When you are fighting for your life in one of the wars of yesteryear, those few seconds can make all the difference!