I always felt proud of the fact that I lived in a sleepy town of only 6,000 people and crime was rare there. The same was true of the other sleepy towns next to mine. However, I needed a job with better pay, so I knew that I needed to live in a bigger city. I made sure that ADT in Cincinnati was available before I started thinking of that city as a good one to look for a job in. I’ve always heard about crime in the larger cities in my state, and I wanted to make sure that I am prepared.
One problem with living in smaller towns is that wages are often not high, although the cost of living is closer to what other larger cities may demand. Being newly divorced with two kids meant that I needed to find ways to budget better. I did my best, but I found that I was struggling to stay afloat. I knew that my low salary wasn’t going to cut it. One emergency can wipe a person out financially if they are always struggling with money. I began looking at Cincinatti as an option for living and working and found that I could make better pay if I moved here so that is what I did.
Once I realized that my favorite alarm company does offer alarm service here, I began looking for a good neighborhood to live in and a good job in the area. I ended up applying to 10 different companies, and 6 of them invited me for an interview. Soon after, I received 4 job offers. Each of the jobs came with a salary much higher than I’ve ever made before! I accepted the job that paid the most with the best benefits and job details that sounded the most enjoyable. I’ve been here 6 months now with my kids and we really like it.