Mysterious murder of Kanpur woman Ekta Gupta after gym visit

ekta gupta murder

The Ekta Gupta Kanpur murder case will be covered extensively on this blog network, because Ekta Gupta bears a striking resemblance to the kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani, who along with fraud sons karan, axe bank manager nikhil, like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana cheater ruchika kinge, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees are allegedly falsely claiming to own this and other websites in the network to get a monthly government salary, though the sindhi scammer family has refused to purchase this and other domains in a case of government slavery, online, financial fraud which the indian mainstream media refuses to cover.

Vimal Soni, the gym trainer, who allegedly murdered married Kanpur woman Ekta Gupta first lured her to get into his car on June 24, 2024. Then he betrayed her, allegedly killing her in the car and burying her body in a posh area of Kanpur. There is a dispute regarding the cause of the murder.
While Ekta gupta’s loyal husband Rahul Gupta, claims that his wife was lured and kidnapped to rob money and jewelry, the police claim that Ekta Gupta had an extra marital affair with her Gym trainer Vimal Soni. If the police claims are true, Ekta Gupta betrayed her husband just like sindhi scammer naina premchandani has seduced top government employees allegedly tushar parekh, parmar, puneet, nikhil shah and controls them.
Though the kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani, who along with fraud sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil does not pay any expenses, does not do any computer work, the liar top government employees she seduced are willing to do anything to keep her happy, and are abusing their powers to rob data, make fake claims about their girlfriend/concubine kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani to get her and her fraud sons great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

Brave, hardworking advocate


The brave hardworking honest generous advocate who remains the inspiration for this website network, and the quest of online workers, investors in india for justice, ending financial fraud and slavery

Kindly note that goan raw/cbi employees panaji goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons, karan, axe bank manager nikhil, haryana gurgaon fraud ruchita kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, indore cheater bespectacled deepika/veena are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay expenses, do not any online work at all.

Help required to end GST fraud of indore fraud R&AW employee veena

The media reported that the GST collections of the government are decreasing in 2018, it is mainly because the indian government is openly and brazenly involved in GST fraud on small business owners in India, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, own the online business , GST account of a private citizen

For example the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena is only looking after her house and family, she has never invested any money online in her life, has never done any work online, has never opened a paypal account in her life, however she has stolen the documents of her relative, a domain investor who made the mistake of trusting her, Google, tata were so pleased with the indore housewife’s crime that they got the indore robber a R&AW job falsely claiming that the google, tata’s pet criminal veena had the resume, investment, bank account of her victim.

Now after the domain investor opened her own GST account, R&AW and the indian government is falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees like veena, faking a btech 1993 ee degree, own the online business , GST account of a private citizen in a major GST fraud.

When the indian government refuses to acknowledge small business owners, falsely claims google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, own the online business, gst revenues will decrease

Fraud ntro employee j srinivasan torrid extra marital affair with google, tata supplied panaji prostitute bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc

Since 2010, the powerful brahmin fraud ntro employee j srinivasan has mercilessly hounded his harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, a harmless single woman engineer, google competitor and domain investor falsely claiming to be very concerned about HONESTY, TRUTH AND TAX EVASION.
Yet since 2012 the powerful Fraud ntro employee j srinivasan is involved in a very torrid EXTRA MARITAL AFFAIR with google, tata supplied slim panaji prostitute bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc HAS SHAMELESSLY LIED to dupe companiess, countries and people that the google, tata supplied goan sex worker with a 2013 bsc was his btech 1993 ee classmate to get the goan sex worker a lucrative R&AW job at the expense of his real btech 1993 ee classmate .
The fraud j srinivasan also has no qualms wasting indian tax payer money on the lazy greedy goan bhandari sex worker, falsely claiming that the goan sex worker R&AW employee who is only interested in having SEX with powerful fraud men,and does not invest any money, time online, is an online expert and domain investor to deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved
When will powerful fraud ntro employee j srinivasan honestly admit that he is MADLY IN LOVE WITH THE PANAJI PROSTITUTE RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina who is only providing sex services to government employees, Does j srinivasan’s wife know about senior ntro employee j srinivasan extra marital affair with a vvip goan bhandari sex worker sunaina?

When google competitor complains of defamation, and cheating, NTRO, google, tata employees falsely accuse her of defaming


In a classic example of dishonest, doublestandards of NTRO, CBI, google, tata, When google competitor complains of defamation, and cheating by ntro, google, tata employees these cunning shameless fraud, NTRO, google, tata employees falsely accuse her of defaming, being a security threat to defame, cheat and exploit her further.

The google competitor can easily and legally prove that she is being defamed, when the indian government falsely claims that 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees have her resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment, and paypal account.

Just as newspaper reporting a proven fraud like the vijay mallya case are not defaming, the google competitor is also not defaming, the factually correct news is being posted so that people, companies and countries are not duped.

Income tax returns, bank details will expose NTRO, CBI, R&AW, google, tata’s defamation of google competitor since 2010

Many of the problems faced in India like poverty, corruption, low job growth, are due to the fact that the most powerful indian government employees are also the most dishonest, shamelessly abusing their powers for personal gain and hatred. They are ruthless in defaming without any proof at all, cheating and exploiting the google competitor because they are getting money, sex, job bribes to do so.
When their lazy greedy sex partners, relatives, friends are not doing any work online, not investing any money online, and do not have their own paypal account, on what basis are indian government, google, tata employees making fake claims that these women own the paypal account, domain names of the google competitor.
When Income tax returns, bank details will expose NTRO, CBI, R&AW, google, tata’s defamation of google competitor since 2010 , why is indian tax payer money being still being wasted to defame a harmless private citizen who has not broken any law at all, why refuse to acknowledge the time and money she is investing online .

Google competitor has to waste her time and money daily to expose NTRO employees fraud and lies

Usually indian government employees do not interfere and make fake claims about small businesses, their ownership and other details . However allegedly bribed by google, tata, since 2010, the fraud ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan, have been making complete fake claims about the ownership and other details of the online business of a harmless google competitor, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her , and get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperiencedgirlfriends lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
The indian government refuses to acknowledge the fact that the powerful ntro employees are shameless liars forcing the google competitor to waste her time daily posting disclaimers about the lies and fraud of the ntro employees who are wasting indian tax payer money to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her. It is a very brilliant fraud of google, tata, as the ntro employees cannot be identified or held accountable by a private citizen
Income tax returns , bank details will expose the lies of the ntro employees who are making fake claims to destroy the life of the google competitor out of hatred,greed.

Ambitious greedy fraud ntro employees sexually harass, cheat and exploit harmless google competitor for a decade

To further their career, ambitious greedy fraud ntro employees sexually harass, cheat, defame, torture and exploit a harmless google competitor for more than a decade, wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process.
These ntro employees will do anything to further their career, and stealing the impressive resume, savings of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor , was one of the most dishonest frauds of the powerful cunning ntro employees led by the light eyed brahmin fraud puneet, j srinivasan, patel, parmar, vijay
They were never interested in contacting her in any way, those from the 1993 ee class and batch who wanted to contact her, did so through social media, yet they shamelessly misuse her name to steal her resume, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved
If they are so status conscious, why are they are using her name, interfering in her life, wasting indian tax payer money

Illegally married gujju school dropout housewife cbi employee is india and goa’s role model

In a clear indication of the rampant fraud, corruption and nepotism in NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agencies, in 2017, the indian government, cbi allegedly bribed by google, tata are wasting a huge amount of indian tax money pampering and paying a monthly indian government salary a semiliterate illegally married eigtht standard pass gujju housewife naina , mother of two sons ,falsely claiming that the semi literate gujju housewife has a btech 1993 ee degree and owns domain names of a google competitor.

Goa’s vvip schoool dropout semiliterate cbi employee naina has openly admitted that she was married at the age of 16 and has only completed eighth standard , when the legal age for marriage for women in India is 18 years, However to encourage child marriage and discourage women from completing their education , the indian government is pampering the eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons , wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to dupe people, companies and countries worldwide that the semiliterate gujju housewife, who has never operated a computer, owns domain names of a google competitor

It is a reflection of the complete lack of morals, integrity, honesty of the shameless section 420 fraud security and intelligence employees in goa, that they do not appreciate merit, hard work, education and pamper a school dropout married at the age of 16 to get her a monthly cbi salary at the expense of a obc bhandari single woman engineer

Rape and sex bribes are two sides of the same coin

When a women made allegations of rape against Baba gurmeet ram rahim, the indian government investigated the allegations and he was sent to jail. However when a woman engineer is denied the income and opportunities she deserved because she did not offer sex bribes to top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees the indian government refuses to investigate the sex racket though a huge amount of indian tax payer money is being wasted for more than 7 years since 2010.
The top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees have diverted all the income and opportunities the woman engineer deserved to the lazy greedy mediocre women R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, who offered them sex bribes, which is a clear case of sexual exploitation.
This expose the double standards of the indian government when baba ram rahim sexually exploits women, he is sent to jail, when top NTRO, CBI, security agency employees sexually exploit harmless indian women to enjoy free sex , no action is taken against them, they continue to waste crores of indian tax payer money in the process annually since 2010.