Call girls having powerful officials addicted to their services, can break all laws in goa


Officially the government may raid sex workers, however the goan government pampers and rewards prostitutes especially if they allegedly have employees of top companies like google, tata as their pimps, for marketing their sex services to top NTRO, R&AW,cbi, security agency employees. The goan call girls are so powerful that the security agencies are giving them masterkeys and allowing them to trespass, rob and burgle the home of any citizen without being punished. These call girls like sunaina have boasted that the police in goa will never take any action against them.

In a well known world famous sex racket, top indian government employees are falsely claiming that google,tata supplied goan prostitutes offering sex services, who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online , are online experts, domain investors to get them R&AW job , great powers at the expense of the real domain investor, google competitor who is subjected to identity theft by the goan government

NTRO employees like j srinivasan, puneet are also involved in the sex racket, falsely claiming that the goan call girls were their btech 1993 ee classmates to give them fake references of a btech degree, get them R&AW jobs, though these women were not born in 1989 to give JEE and get a btech 1993 ee degree legally

The goan government in 2018 definitely does not value experienced women engineers from top colleges in India and they are subjected to identity, correspondence, resume theft, real estate fraud with top officials falsely claiming that google, sponsored goan prostitutes, cheater housewives, school dropouts, document robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE, have her resume, investment so that these prostitutes and frauds get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer.The engineer finds that the google,tata sponsored prostitute is repeatedly criminal trespassing in her house, with the help of her powerful lovers in security agencies

So in goa, some prostitutes/call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar who are promoted by google, tata as online experts are definitely powerful, get a monthly government salary at the expense of experienced women engineers whose identity they and others have stolen with the help of cheater NTRO employees.

Home intrusion, criminal trespassing continues in panaji, goa

Despite changing the lock repeatedly and ensuring that there is almost nothing of value in the house, criminal trespassing of the domain investors house in panaji, goa by unidentified persons continues
The criminal trespasser of panaji, had opened the Ansar lock purchased, and made it press fit. After that a new godrej lock was purchased, however the criminal trespasser again has entered the home again in November 2018
Those trespassing the home have already burgled the home twice in 2018, and ensured that there is almost nothing of value in the home.

However on November 10, 2018, there were many signs that someone had trespassed in the house.
The domain investor had ordered a Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum – Micro Garden from Nursery Live and the plants had grown.
She had also not opened the bottle.
However on November 10, 2018, after she received the paypal payment on November 9, 2018, someone had again trespassed on the house, and opened the bottle, and taken out some plants
Since there is almost no water in the house after the plumbing was damaged, the domain investor is very careful while watering the plants, and does not spill any water to the extent possible, However on November 10, 2018, when the domain investor opened the balcony door, she found that someone had entered and spilled a lot of water on the floor.
This clear indicates that criminal trespassing is a major problem in la campala panaji, goa , despite burgling the home twice, some one is criminal trespassing in the home
it clear indicates that a very powerful criminal with masterkeys is entering homes in panaji, goa whenever he wishes an indication of lack of law and order in panaji

Evidence proves that the goan government is pampering and rewarding google, tata supplied prostitutes,frauds getting them raw/cbi jobs


“Mere words are not enough evidence” to dispute the allegations that Khashoggi had been killed, Erdogan the Turkish president was quoted in . NTRO, R&AW, cbi, indian and state governments especially goan government are involved in a fraud exactly similar to the Saudi killers of Jamal Khashoggi, making fake claims to cover up their fraud, when they cannot provide any evidence at all

For example the goan intelligence and security agencies are giving great powers to google, tata supplied goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, falsely claiming that these inexperienced lazy greedy women who are not spending any money online, are domain investors, online experts, and experienced engineers with a btech 1993 ee degree

However 8 years after the fraud started, the goan government cannot provide any proof at all that google, tata supplied goan call girl R&AW employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, answered JEE, have invested any money online and are doing work online. If these frauds and others like indore document robber housewife veena were investing money online, their bank details would have proof, and if they were doing paid work online, they would receive payment in their own bank account which they could show as evidence to anyone who questions their claims like the domain investor .

Medical tests, will be evidence that these call girl R&AW employees were not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee. However the goan government like the saudi killers is repeating the lies of the cheater fraud ntro emploeyes who are shamelessly abusing their powers to make fake claims. So the ntro employees are clearly making fake claims because they are receiving some kind of compensation for doing so, and according to domain investors worldwide these R&AW employees are call girls , yet the goan government continues to give prostitutes great powers

Has the indian, goan government, R&AW, NTRO informed all countries and companies about the latest burglary, robbery of their pet panaji prostitute R&AW employee sunaina chodan

There are very few prostitutes in India who are as pampered as the NTRO, panaji’s police’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, who the brahmin fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, are falsely claiming was their btech 1993 ee classmate, because they are infatuated with the sex worker, and overjoyed with her sex services.

NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, is the only call girl in India, on whom the state and central government is wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money to dupe people, companies and countries worldwide that the sex worker who does not spend any time and money online, is an online expert, domain investor, and experienced engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree, though the pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a btech 1993 ee degree

now the latest achievement of NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is the burglary and robbery of the house of a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor, with a btech 1993 ee degree, the second time she is involved in a burglary in 2018. The ntro employees are quick to dupe people, companies and countries with their fake claims of online work, investment by their pet prostitute, so have they informed these countries of the latest burglary, robbery of their pet panaji prostitute sunaina.

NTRO violating right to equality of the indian constitution for more than 8 years

Like NTRO’s pet prostitutes goan R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other fraud raw/cbi employees, when BENGALURU BRAHMIN CHEATER RAW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar does not spend any time, money online, why is NTRO led by the brahmin frauds mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, falsely giving her credit, a salary at the expense of the google competitor who is actually spending her time and money online.

Why is NTRO violating the indian constitution, that every citizen has the right to equality , refusing to acknowledge the time and money which the google competitor, engineer is spending online, falsely giving credit, salary to brahmin cheater housewives, their pet panaji prostitutes and other frauds for work they do not do, money they do not spend

When will R&Aw/cbi officially admit that they pay a salary to these women only because they are robbers, relatives and friends of top officials

Now brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater powerful PROSTITUTE PAMPERER puneet threatening his btech 1993 ee engineering classmate with death

For more that 8 years brahmin fraud ntro employee mhow cheater powerful PROSTITUTE PAMPERER puneet, light eyed director of a domlur, bengaluru company has ruthlessly defamed without any proof at all, cheated, exploited and sexually harassed his harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, stolen her resume, savings, memory and correspondence, falsely claiming to help her .

The brahmin cheater puneet also pampered the lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE RAW employes bhandari sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin fraud nayanshreee, indore document robber veena and others falsely claiming that they were working online, when he was aware of the fact that his call girl, fraud girlfriends were not doing any work online, not investing any money online, and are least interested in doing so in future also

After 8 years of duping people, the engineer has finally realized that the ntro employee mhow cheater powerful PROSTITUTE PAMPERER puneet is a shameless liar, cheater, faking his relationship, involved in a banking, Paypal, online fraud which can be legally exposed. Now that she is telling everyone that the ntro employee puneet is a fraud, he and his associates are threatening his btech 1993 ee engineering classmate whose identity he has stolen with death using voice to skull technology , so that their identity theft, financial fraud will not be exposed

kangana ranaut look alike shameless greedy goan GSB FRAUD HOUSEWIFE Cbi employee riddhi nayak panaji’s top robber

Not satisfied with stealing the resume , correspondence of a harmless single woman bhandari engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai to get a cbi job with monthly salary for the google, tata sponsored kangana ranaut look alike shameless greedy goan GSB FRAUD HOUSEWIFE Cbi employee riddhi nayak , the shameless cruel greedy fraud goan mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar are also regularly ROBBING the memory of a harmless google competitor, engineer, without a legally valid reason to make her a google, tata slave, so that the goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, and others get a monthly R&AW/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, there are many male indian domain investors owning far more domain names, yet ntro, indian government is only targetting the google competitor, a harmless engineer for ROBBING MEMORY without a legally valid reason, without any compensation since 2010, a clear case of discrimination, human rights abuses

However the greedy shameless goan gsb fraud mafia lacks the humanity and honesty to admit the fact that they are stealing memory of a harmless private citizen, to increase the profit of google, tata

To avoid paying salaries, google,tata associates file fake cases against innocent google competitor

In one of the greatest financial and legal frauds, in 2010 onwards google,tata associates have filed completely fake cases without any proof at all against an innocent harmless google competitor, so that the bribe taking ntro employees could steal her memory, intellectual property, savings, identity, correspondence, without a legally valid reason for more than 8 years
Google,tata were helped in their intellectual property theft, sex, bribery racket by the fraud ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet, parmar,vijay and others who faked their relationship, help for the google competitor, so that they could divert and steal all the information about those who made fake allegations, so that the google competitor, engineer was never given any opportunity to defend herself
These fraud ntro employees were aware of the fact that if the engineer, was provided details of those who were making fake allegations against her, and the nature of these allegations, the engineer would easily defend herself as she has never interacted with them and file a case against those making fake allegations for defamation, extortion and end the defamation, cheating and exploitation forever

So in 2018, the ntro employees continue with their fake help and intellectual property theft racket, so fraud it and internet companies like google,tata can avoid paying salaries, helping them increase their million dollar profit, while the google competitor continues to work like a slave,without getting any kind of compensation for her intellectual property which is stolen by ntro employees freelancing for google,tata since 2010

I Feel Much Safer Now

I am a very cautious person, mostly because I am a young female who is alone a lot of the time. I wish I did not live in a world where I have to take self defense classes or carry pepper spray in my purse, but at least I am a realist about the state of the world. Not long ago, I saw an advertisement for ADT in Houston, and I was very interested in learning more about it. I had recently moved into a house into the suburbs, and I thought that it would be a good idea to have a security system.

I went to the website to get as much information on it as I could, and I was happy with everything I read. I was also surprised. I have a good job, so I was prepared to pay a decent price for a home security system, but it is actually not expensive at all. Continue reading

We Use My Favorite Alarm Company in the City We Moved to

I always felt proud of the fact that I lived in a sleepy town of only 6,000 people and crime was rare there. The same was true of the other sleepy towns next to mine. However, I needed a job with better pay, so I knew that I needed to live in a bigger city. I made sure that ADT in Cincinnati was available before I started thinking of that city as a good one to look for a job in. I’ve always heard about crime in the larger cities in my state, and I wanted to make sure that I am prepared.

One problem with living in smaller towns is that wages are often not high, although the cost of living is closer to what other larger cities may demand. Being newly divorced with two kids meant that I needed to find ways to budget better. I did my best, but I found that I was struggling to stay afloat. I knew that my low salary wasn’t going to cut it. One emergency can wipe a person out financially if they are always struggling with money. I began looking at Cincinatti as an option for living and working and found that I could make better pay if I moved here so that is what I did.

Once I realized that my favorite alarm company does offer alarm service here, I began looking for a good neighborhood to live in and a good job in the area. I ended up applying to 10 different companies, and 6 of them invited me for an interview. Soon after, I received 4 job offers. Each of the jobs came with a salary much higher than I’ve ever made before! I accepted the job that paid the most with the best benefits and job details that sounded the most enjoyable. I’ve been here 6 months now with my kids and we really like it.