Indian security agencies too busy stalking, sexually harassing harmless indian women to prevent Kashmir problems

In a clear indication that india is a very poorly governed countries, indian security and intelligence agencies are wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money and resources in stalking, sexually harassing, exploiting and cheating harmless indian women, especially trained engineers to solve real problems like the Kashmir issue. Since 2010, some of the most powerful top indian intelligence and security agency, cbi, ntro employees have wasted a huge amount of resources and tax payer money trying to ruin the physical and mental health of a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor, monitoring all her activities and doing everything possible to cause mental stress.
Lawyers have indicated that this is a widespread problem in India and many other single indian women are facing the same problem of harassment by indian intelligence and security agency employees who cannot be identified or held accountable. If india was a well governed country, a real leader would have asked these security agency employees to stop abusing their powers to harass harmless single women , and focus their attention to the really serious problems like kashmir

R&AW/CBI blocking Linkworth payment denial of fundamental rights

In a clear case of abuse of power, in Panaji, goa, a domain investor is finding that the corrupt local CBI/R&AW employees are blocking the payment due to her from the US company Linkworth, without a legally valid reason, denying her fundamental right to earn a fair living. The linkworth payment was due on 10 april 2017, and till 15 April 2017, the payment has not been made to the paypal account of the domain investor.
On 14 April 2017, the domain investor added a new ad from linkworth hoping that her payment would be processed quickly, however till 15 April 2017, the payment was not yet processed, allegedly because the cruel fraud CBI/NTRO/R&AW employees freelancing for google, tata told linkworth not to make the payment. Google is ruthless in destroying competition, and after stealing the resume, retirement savings of a google competitor, now it has asked the freelancer CBI, R&AW employees to block the Linkworth payment due to the google competitor
The CBI, R&AW, NTRO employees are getting a large monthly indian government salary, yet they are like cruel animals completely devoid of humanity and honesty, and they are ruthless in blocking the payment due to a small online business owner without a legally valid reason to waste her time following up and to cause financial difficulties. The small business owner has spent a lot of time and invested money to make the small amount, yet the google, tata employees are ruthless in blocking the payment.

The US labor department has accused google of gender pay discrimination – real reason

The real reason for gender pay discrimination at Google is close kept secret which the mainstream media refuses to cover, Google likes to hire only good looking, sexy women as a company policy , however often these women are faking their resume , experience, online work.
One of google’s preferred method to destroy competition, is to subject the competitor to identity theft, falsely claiming that good looking mediocre women have the impressive resume of the google competitor . In India it is able to get these mediocre good looking fraud women lucrative indian intelligence jobs at the expense of the competitor, however in USA, it is forced to hire these mediocre women.
Since these women are not productive as they have fake resumes , google is naturally paying them less than their male peers who are not faking their resume, experience

Advocate Satish Sonak, R.I.P

The media on Saturday 8 April 2017, announced that noted social activist and lawyer Satish Sonak had collapsed in JFMC court at Patto on 7 April 2017, of a heart attack and could not be revived when admitted to Goa Medical College. He was only 59 years old. He led a hectic life and on 7 April 2017, he was supposed to appear at the Goa Human rights commission at 11.30 am for fighting the case of lamanis .
Satish Sonak was well known in Goa as a student leader, social activist, and had fought numerous Human Rights cases with the Goa Human rights commission. It is idealistic leaders like Satish Sonak, which ensure that panaji, is one of the better towns in India, where citizens can express their views freely without being labelled as a security threat.
Paying tribute to Satish Sonak, the lawyer activist Aires Rodrigues on HCN said that Satish Sonak was a simple and idealistic man, who was probably the only well known lawyer in Goa, who did not own a four wheeler. Though Herald and Times of India carried a report on Satish Sonak, and HCN also carried the news of the funeral, surprisingly a major newspaper in Goa did not carry any news of the tragic death of Satish Sonak . There is probably more to the story, than the media has reported

Slander of goan gsb fraud mafia a clear case of corruption

For 5 years, the shameless cunning goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak and others have viciously stalked and defamed a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and paypal account holder in goa, because they were allegedly bribed by google, tata to do so.
It is clear case of abuse of power by indian government employees, corruption why were these intelligence and security employees wasting their time, tax payer money and position, to spread false rumors about a harmless private citizen, google competitor, to destroy her reputation and make it difficult to earn a fair living
In most states, the intelligence and security agencies will leave a harmless private citizens, domain investors alone, they will not spread false rumors, circulate photos and videos and falsely claim that their relatives and friends own the business, assets of a private citizen
If a large company like google, or tata wishes to hire a private citizen, why are indian government employees getting involved, with the goan gsb fraud mafia viciously slandering the private citizen
Why do government employees in goa not have the honesty and courage to tell these companies that they do not want to get involved, it is a private matter

Lawyer specializing in corporate espionage required

Domain investor is interested in hiring a lawyer who specializes in corporate espionage, to help in taking legal action against large corporates and NTRo employees freelancing for these corporates who are involved in the following cybercrimes
– hacking laptop repeatedly
– deleting files on laptop
– stealing emails, smses, phone calls, postal mail
– stealing data on laptop
– routing internet connection
– installing malware
– slander and defamation, spreading false rumors

Lawyer who can work on pro bono basis preferred, please indicate fees and other details to

Lawyer require urgently for filing PIL

Harmless paypal account holder, domain investor, is finding that her payment from foreign vendors is being blocked repeatedly by the local intelligence and security agencies, especially CBI, who have been allegedly been bribed by google, tata,
CBI, NTRO employees are allegedly making fake allegations without any proof of money laundering,security threat against the domain investor, and have not been able to provide any proof of money laundering, security threat in the last 7 years, despite wasting tax payer money to put the paypal account holder under surveillance.
Looking for a honest lawyer who can file a PIL to ensure that the government ends the investigation, as the domain investor is denied her fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living due to the surveillance by indian intelligence and security agencies.
All the government employees, especially in panaji, goa who are blocking the payment from foreign customer should be identified, asked to justify the abuse of their discretionary powers, to end the daily financial losses to a harmless indian citizen, who has not broken any law.

Rewarding eighth standard pass gujju housewife cbi employeee naina indicates the true colors of indian government

The mediocre lazy greedy fraud cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who is promoted by the extremely corrupt shameless fraud intelligence and security agency employees in panaji, goa, shows the real reason why the indian government is wasting indian tax payer money on the beti padhao, beti bachao campaign.
The cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina has openly admitted that she has no computer or internet knowledge yet the indian government, especially in goa is wasting a huge amount of tax payer money to promote her as an online expert, domain investor and pay her a monthly government salary, at the expense of the real domain investor who is getting nothing despite being well educated and the real online expert.
Naturally when indian citizens are seeing how the security and intelligence employees especially cbi are worshipping uneducated housewives like naina, getting her cbi job, salary with fake resume at the expense of the engineer, they are naturally realizing that the official indian government policy is to reward uneducated mediocre fraud women, harass educated women, especially women engineers.
So many indian citizens are not prefering to have daughters because they do not want their daughters to be humiliated, exploited, tortured so that uneducated housewives like naina, goan call girls like sunaina, siddhi and other frauds get R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs faking their resume.
Domain investor looking for legal help to end the resume theft by the google, tata sponsored cbi employee eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons

Goan government employees promoting sex workers, frauds lack morals, honesty

Intelligence and security agency employees are extremely powerful, yet in goa they are completely lack in honesty, humanity and professionalism, when they are falsely claiming that goan sex workers are online experts, paypal account holders and domain investors .

Just because large companies allegedly google, tata are promoting the goan sex workers and other frauds as part of their sex trade racket, there is no official reason for indian government employees to abuse their powers and spread false rumors about domain, paypal account ownership, defaming and exploiting the real paypal account holder.

If the indian government employees are honest they will stick to the facts, and acknowledge the real paypal account holder, however google, tata are extremely vicious in defaming the paypal account holder , so a large number of people and companies in goa, especially panaji, have been duped that the goan sex workers are online experts to get the sex workers great powers, a monthly R&AW salary.
Looking for legal help to end the widespread slander of the domain investor especially in panaji, goa

Indian citizens pay for mistakes,lust of sex maniac fraud NTRO, CBI employees promoting call girls, cheaters

When the 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives and other fraud indian intelligence employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex queen sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc were least interested in doing any work online, on what basis did ntro, cbi, indian government allegedly falsely claim that the google, tata sponsored sex workers and other frauds were online experts to waste indian tax payer money paying them a monthly salary, giving them great powers.
Now after 7 years it is clear than goan R&AW employee sunaina is only a SEX worker, why falsely dupe people, companies and other countries that R&AW SEX WORKER is paypal account holder to pay the sex worker a monthly salary. Till 2012 goa’s google, tata sponsored SEX worker was not doing anything,why are google, tata falsely claiming that their sunaina , their favorite goan SEX worker owns the investment,paypal account of a google competitor dfc

The american and other companies are not doing a favor paying through paypal,they are getting advertising on websites, with which google, tata ‘s favorite sex worker is not associated with. The fact that there is no connection can be easily proved. If India’s top SEX worker r&aw employee sunaina was not associated with the paypal account, what would these companies do, at the most the paypal account would be disabled, and the american companies, may pay using other methods

Since goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina is only interested in sex with powerful men,when will the indian government recognize her sex drive and stop wasting tax payer money to dupe companies, countries and people, that the sex worker employed by R&AW , is an online expert . Legal help wanted to end the sex fraud