The media on Saturday 8 April 2017, announced that noted social activist and lawyer Satish Sonak had collapsed in JFMC court at Patto on 7 April 2017, of a heart attack and could not be revived when admitted to Goa Medical College. He was only 59 years old. He led a hectic life and on 7 April 2017, he was supposed to appear at the Goa Human rights commission at 11.30 am for fighting the case of lamanis .
Satish Sonak was well known in Goa as a student leader, social activist, and had fought numerous Human Rights cases with the Goa Human rights commission. It is idealistic leaders like Satish Sonak, which ensure that panaji, is one of the better towns in India, where citizens can express their views freely without being labelled as a security threat.
Paying tribute to Satish Sonak, the lawyer activist Aires Rodrigues on HCN said that Satish Sonak was a simple and idealistic man, who was probably the only well known lawyer in Goa, who did not own a four wheeler. Though Herald and Times of India carried a report on Satish Sonak, and HCN also carried the news of the funeral, surprisingly a major newspaper in Goa did not carry any news of the tragic death of Satish Sonak . There is probably more to the story, than the media has reported
Category Archives: advocates
NTRO employees waste tax payer money for 7 years trying to frame a harmless domain investor
In a clear indication that ntro employees are freelancing for google, tata for more than 7 years , powerful ntro employees have been trying their level best to frame a harmless domain investor, to justify their theft of her resume, retirement savings, correspondence. At first these cunning ntro employees like puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, who are excellent actors, pretended that they were helping the domain investor, so that they could steal her resume
Now that ntro employees have stolen the resume of the engineer for goan sex workers and other google, tata sponsored frauds , they have stopped acting that they are trying to help, however they continue to steal her correspondence and have kept the stolen money of the experienced domain investor, engineer, so that they can enjoy themselves with the stolen money
NTRO is so poorly managed that despite news of the fraud being published extensively online, no action is taken against the ntro employees for wasting tax payer money, resources for framing a harmless indian citizen, google competitor
Slander of goan gsb fraud mafia a clear case of corruption
For 5 years, the shameless cunning goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak and others have viciously stalked and defamed a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and paypal account holder in goa, because they were allegedly bribed by google, tata to do so.
It is clear case of abuse of power by indian government employees, corruption why were these intelligence and security employees wasting their time, tax payer money and position, to spread false rumors about a harmless private citizen, google competitor, to destroy her reputation and make it difficult to earn a fair living
In most states, the intelligence and security agencies will leave a harmless private citizens, domain investors alone, they will not spread false rumors, circulate photos and videos and falsely claim that their relatives and friends own the business, assets of a private citizen
If a large company like google, or tata wishes to hire a private citizen, why are indian government employees getting involved, with the goan gsb fraud mafia viciously slandering the private citizen
Why do government employees in goa not have the honesty and courage to tell these companies that they do not want to get involved, it is a private matter
Lawyer specializing in corporate espionage required
Domain investor is interested in hiring a lawyer who specializes in corporate espionage, to help in taking legal action against large corporates and NTRo employees freelancing for these corporates who are involved in the following cybercrimes
– hacking laptop repeatedly
– deleting files on laptop
– stealing emails, smses, phone calls, postal mail
– stealing data on laptop
– routing internet connection
– installing malware
– slander and defamation, spreading false rumors
Lawyer who can work on pro bono basis preferred, please indicate fees and other details to
Specialist in slander and lies
The failed human cloning , identity theft experiment clearly proved that the local intelligence and security agency employees are specializing in slander and lies, especially if they have been paid to, allegedly by google, tata.
When there never was any legally valid proof, why did the poweful local intelligence and security agency,cbi employees, waste so much time and money misguiding a large number of people , ruining the reputation and life of a harmless citizen who has not harmed anyone, interfered in the life of anyone, who these government employees have never interacted with.
It exposed the dark side of the indian intelligence and security agencies, why interfere in the life of a private citizen , why waste indian tax payer money, their time and resources to slander her, spread false malicious rumors without any legally valid proof
No one other than google is benefiting from the slander, why do the indian government employees utilize their time and resources more productively.
Lawyer require urgently for filing PIL
Harmless paypal account holder, domain investor, is finding that her payment from foreign vendors is being blocked repeatedly by the local intelligence and security agencies, especially CBI, who have been allegedly been bribed by google, tata,
CBI, NTRO employees are allegedly making fake allegations without any proof of money laundering,security threat against the domain investor, and have not been able to provide any proof of money laundering, security threat in the last 7 years, despite wasting tax payer money to put the paypal account holder under surveillance.
Looking for a honest lawyer who can file a PIL to ensure that the government ends the investigation, as the domain investor is denied her fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living due to the surveillance by indian intelligence and security agencies.
All the government employees, especially in panaji, goa who are blocking the payment from foreign customer should be identified, asked to justify the abuse of their discretionary powers, to end the daily financial losses to a harmless indian citizen, who has not broken any law.
Engineer expected to tolerate fake allegations against her
One of the greatest frauds online, is how powerful intelligence and security agency, google, tata employees are making completely fake allegations without any proof at all against a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor and then expecting her to tolerate being exploited for the rest of her life.
This attitude clear exposes the extremely patronizing attitude of the tata, google, security agency employees they have a huge superiority complex , a very low opinion of the engineer and expect her to tolerate all their slander, lies, cheating and exploitation for the rest of their life.
The engineer, domain investor was very patient, waited for 7 years for these extremely powerful fraud indian government, google, tata employees to provide any legally valid proof against her. Now it is clearly evident that the cunning google, tata, cbi, ntro employees are shameless pathological liars , specializing in slander of google competitors, making up completely fake allegations without any proof at all.
Now the domain investor is forced to spend a lot of time and money warning people about the slander and lies of the google, tata, cbi, ntro employees so that more people are not duped by the lies of these cunning fraud government and corporate employees who have no personal and professional integrity
google, tata reward extortionists for making fake allegations against google competitors, domain investors
In a clear indication of the complete lack of morals and ethics of companies in the indian tech and internet sector, some large companies allegedly google, tata are openly rewarding extortionists for making completely fake allegations without any proof against harmless google competitors, domain investors to ruin their reputation, defame them and steal their retirement savings without a court order.
The domain investor, who was viciously and falsely accused by google, tata , ntro, cbi has never even interacted with the google, tata sponsored blackmailers and extortionists making fake allegations against and can easily prove the same, however the domain investor and engineer is never given an opportunity to defend herself as the cunning fraud charming google, tata, ntro, cbi employees shamelessly and falsely claim that those making fake allegations are honest saints who can do no wrong.
The fraud google, tata employees are helped in their fraud by cunning cheater ntro employees like puneet who fake concern for the domain investor, pretend to be helping her when they steal and waste her hard earned money rewarding these extortionist and blackmailers.
Google, tata are getting favorable coverage in the indian media, few are aware of the extremely dishonest fraud strategy used by google, tata to destroy the life , reputation and finances of a harmless google competitor , rewarding frauds for making fake allegations without proof, and then stealing their resume, retirement savings, correspondence without a court order or legally valid reason.
The engineer and domain investor has never interacted with the google, tata employees and has not authorized them or ntro employees to act on her behalf, why are they interfering , misusing her name, taking wrong decisions with their half knowledge and expecting her to suffer for the rest of her life
Indian society becoming more unequal, dalits find it difficult to get help
It appears that there is slowly a fundamental change in the attitudes of the top government employees towards indian society, earlier there was an attempt to help those who are poor, now those funds are being reduced. The Times of India reported that in the last two years, there was a drastic reduction in the funds available to Dalit students, many of whom, were very poor, and required the money to pay for their tuition fees. Most of the money was coming from the central government and the states were only providing a small amount.
While the states are still interested in helping the dalit and poor, there is a definite change in the attitude of the central government towards lower caste students, they are no longer required, and the lack of scholarship money which was available earlier, has forced many students to drop out of college. Usually government funding for education increases as the population increases, however it has reduced drastically. This clearly indicates that will rising unemployment, the government allegedly does not more dalits to get educated .
Educated individuals are more confident, less likely to tolerate atrocities, and more likely to fight those who are cheating, exploiting them. As indian intelligence and security agencies are becoming brazen,shameless about reserving lucrative jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends,usually upper caste like shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, educated dalits/lower castes appear to be unwanted , and the indian government is indirectly discouraging them from getting a degree by making scholarship money unavailable.
NTRO, CBI, security agency employees mislead lawyers in india
Shory Law is a Calgary law firm with a range of professional legal services.
For example high profile woman lawyer# law took up the case of ntro female employees who complained about a spycam installed in the toilet of the office, In a clear case of hypocrisy and fraud when a harmless single woman engineer, Paypal account holder wanted legal help to end the sexual harassment and human rights abuses, she refused to take up the case, verbally on phone, saying that the harmless single woman obc engineer would need a criminal lawyer.
However the phone calls of the obc engineer are diverted to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds extortionist housewife riddhi siddhi mandrekar because fraud R&AW, NTRO officials, allegedly bribed by google, tata falsely claiming that these inexperienced mediocre goan gsb frauds are Paypal account holders, domain investors and their Btech 1993 EE classmates, so verbal claims may be manipulated.
Allegedly R&AW employee, especially pampered lazy greedy goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who committed corporate espionage on the single woman obc engineer and was allegedly rewarded for her crime with a lucrative R&AW job, falsely claiming to have the resume of the engineer she cheated, managed to mislead the lawyer that the harmless obc engineer had a criminal record, when actually the harmless obc engineer has no case against her. Earlier allegedly google, tata had been paying people to make false allegations against the obc engineer, domain investor, however these false allegations are not legally valid.